Call in the Gov
This’ll be a useful test case for Governor-elect Chafee:
On the snowy steps of the high school, Frank Flynn, president of the Rhode Island Federation of Teachers, said he had called Chafee Tuesday morning and asked him to convene a group of teachers, school and district administrators, union leaders and state education officials to “move this school forward, because the students of Central Falls deserve nothing less.”
The governor-elect indicated he would help, Flynn said, although no details have been settled yet.
The image comes to mind of Chafee in a vintage campy Batman costume running to a special phone in his office. It will be interesting to see how quickly the new governor implements the union-friendly changes that we’re all expecting.
Step one, most likely, will be for him to step forward and bring everybody “to the table” in a one-sided equivalence that turns the notion of transforming Rhode Island’s school system right around. The question is how quickly those intransigent bureaucrats and administrators who insist that reform must mean reform will be pushed out of their seats.
Mike Trainor told Governor Gump that George Nee said everything is moving along as expected and he can stay home and continue to shovel his driveway.