Don Carcieri Not Running for US Senate?
That’s what Ian Donnis is hearing.
If these murmurings are true (and I wouldn’t bother to post if someone of less than Ian’s credibility had reported it), no one should be more relieved than the Truth Commissioner himself because the former governor’s considerable campaign strengths, pointed out by Ian,
Carcieri has some key assets that he could bring to a GOP primary, including name recognition and considerable wealth.
would certainly carry over to the general election.
The rumors I heard included Alan Hassenfeld running for US Senate.
One thing’s for sure, he’s got the money.
That would be a very interesting development. If it doesn’t happen, I still hold out hope that Mr. Doherty will change his mind and go for the Senate seat.
Whitehouse combines the worst features of Chafee (cluelessness, callous indifference to working people) and Cicilline (rabid partisanship, blatant dishonesty). He needs to go. I only hope that Rhode Islanders aren’t so apathetic and manipulated as to keep him.
Maybe Bob Watson will run…
Rumor is that Warwick Mayor Scott Avedisian is going to run. He is probably the only person that can defeat Whitehouse. Whomever runs against Whitehouse has my vote.
If that pusillanimous
piece of crap gets re-elected,we’ll be stuck with him til he rolls a seven.
I’d vote for anyone over him,even a wishy washy RINO like Avedisian.
The only thing that matters is keeping a Democrat there. It’s good for the country.