A Note on Posting Productivity

I’m finally sorting through the piles of papers and magazines with stories about which I’d intended to post. Put together, the stack would be fully two feet high, and the dates on some of the papers provide evidence of something that surprised me, although of course I knew it to be the case on some level: I’ve been hacking my way through a jungle of responsibilities for more than a full calendar quarter.
In the way of life’s ebbs and flows, every aspect of life swelled in activity and difficulty, this spring — family, work, hobbies, finances, and so on. I offer this not as a complaint, but as an explanation for those who might have wondered why my posting habits have suffered. How long it will take me to get everything back on track, I don’t know.
Whether my priorities will prove to be the same when I’m done, I also don’t know. Something has to be adjusted, and although I continue to leave open the possibility that a greater freedom to research and write political commentary will be that something, I have to admit that such an outcome has fallen from an intention to a hope. Indeed, it looks increasingly likely that the adjustment to my political activities will be in the opposite direction.
For the time being, I’ll continue cleaning off my desk and reordering my surroundings.
As I type, I can hear a thunderstorm rolling in across the bay. What weather we’ll find on its other end is never as certain as meteorologists would have us believe.

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13 years ago

I think that thunderstorm you heard was the 500 swimmers doing the 35th annual Save the Bay swim, of which I was one! Woohoo!

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