Portsmouth Institute, Day 2, Session 2: Dr. William Dembski, “An Informative-Theoretic Proof of God’s Existence”

From an entertainment standpoint, the most interesting aspect of Bill Dembski’s talk at the Portsmouth Institute conference on “Modern Science, Ancient Faith” was the continuation of what is apparently a long-standing head-to-head with the previous speaker, Ken Miller. Dembski is a notable personage on the intelligent design side of the public debate, and at one point issued a throw-down for a sort of public trial pitting Miller’s crew against his own.

Most interesting from an intellectual standpoint, though, was Dembski’s step away from the heat of a politically charged issue to his substantive argument with respect to evolution. In an echo of Miller’s suggestion that organisms collect information from their environment, Dembski pointed out that “natural selection is a non-random search.” How, then, did nature find that process?
Think of a time when you’ve done some tedious project. Eventually you may have come up with a process, or series of steps, that was more efficient than that with which you began. That took observation and analysis.
Dembski divided processes into two types of information. There is the information inside an acorn that tells it how to make a tree, and there is the information that a shipwright brings to bear when following a blueprint. Both forms of information exist, but only one is interior to nature and available for natural processes.
He told the story of an artist hired to make a bust of Beethoven. The client was none too impressed when the artist arrived with a large, untouched stone and explained that every particle of the Beethoven bust was inside the stone. Therefore, he had delivered exactly what he had promised.
I’d go a step farther with the analogy. What’s critical about the fable is not that the artist didn’t have a point; modern art is full of such gimmicks. The point is that the particular client did not like the statement made and, indeed, considered it to be a lazy scam. It’s not just the material information contained in the particles of a statue, and it’s not just the intellectual information contained in an artist’s sketch (or even his too clever argument about the bust).
Rather, what we seek in art is that which speaks on another plane of existence: communication. The client did not like the message that he felt the artist had communicated.
This clearly, is the reemergence of the running, unspoken theme of the conference. That which makes suffering out of mere pain and beauty out of mere material coincidence is communication and the conscious sense thereof. Slippery and prone to misinterpretation as it may be, it is as real as the subatomic particles in our atoms and indicates an abstract space outside of the material universe.

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Warrington Faust
Warrington Faust
12 years ago

I am neither a statistician, or mathematician. But I find appealing the argument that there has not been sufficient time for Darwinian “natural selection” to effect what we have seen. I am reminded of the quote that “It is similar to a tornado hitting a junkyard and assembling a 747”.

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