Haldeman for House 35: “allow me to represent the entire spectrum of our citizenry”

Below are the first three paragraphs of the column by Jim Haldeman, candidate for RI House District 35, that I tried to poach for Anchor Rising. Haldeman, being a man of honor, tactfully declined my request because he had already committed to another outlet. So you’ll just have to finish reading it on GoLocalProv. (In all seriousness, thanks to GoLocal for running it.)

It’s a simple question that requires a simple answer…because I have to. I was asked ‘why’ when I came out of military retirement, left my family and my job, and elected to deploy to Fallujah, Iraq. Quite simply, because I had to. It was my moral obligation to serve my Country. I’m now running for State Representative for the same reason…because I must. It’s a difficult endeavor to run and to be elected for public office. I know….this is my 4th attempt. If nothing else, this proves my perseverance and dedication towards succeeding in such an endeavor.
My leadership background attests to the fact that I am well suited for public office. I presently work in a public service industry and engage hundreds of people daily. I have worked under harsh and unthinkable living conditions to promote jobs into a helpless city, worked with Ambassadors under the Secretary of State, worked within multi-million dollar budgets, and negotiated contracts…even for human life itself. I helped inspire and restore the lives of the citizens of Fallujah and redirected their path to bring prosperity, economic recovery and hope toward a brighter future.
And now it is my time to focus my abilities and talents directly to my home here in Rhode Island. The financial path which Rhode Island has taken is unsustainable. Communities within our state are bankrupt. Businesses are closed or have moved to our neighboring states. Our one party controlled state government has failed to provide the very essence of our individual identity and that is in the name of business and jobs.

Continue reading on GoLocalProv …

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12 years ago

Haldeman sounds like a rational, honest, capable, well-intentioned person. He has no chance.

12 years ago

I must absolutely agree. Can out of retirement to be deployed overseas, comes off as an honest, respectable person.
He’s completely screwed….

12 years ago

CAME out of retirement….
(I need to preview/proof my posts)

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