Rhode Island Rules the Universe!

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12 years ago

Rhode Island is finally number one in something… even if it’s meaningless.

Justin Katz
12 years ago

I’ve been wondering if a beauty queen and a quirky dancing traffic cop offset a holiday-tree governor and a head-on-a-stick professor.
(Let’s leave the important stuff, like economy and education out of it for this discussion.)

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
12 years ago

Dan,Justin-she’s harmless and cute.Why get sour about something so lightweight?

Warrington Faust
Warrington Faust
12 years ago

Isn’t this “lookism”? (she is quite hot)

12 years ago

The Andromeda Galaxy has hired Al Gore’s lawyers for a recount.

12 years ago

The Andromeda Galaxy has hired Al Gore’s lawyers for a recount.
“I’ve been wondering if a beauty queen and a quirky dancing traffic cop offset a holiday-tree governor and a head-on-a-stick professor.”
I say yes.

Justin Katz
12 years ago

I’m not being sour. Just quipping about the things that have brought RI attention, recently.
I’d say there’s clearly a reason RI does so disproportionately well in placing reality TV characters.

Max D
Max D
12 years ago

Congratulations to Olivia. It’s nice to see someone from Rhode Island succeed in a big way as a result of their labors. She seems like a nice kid.
Now back to our regular programming…

12 years ago

The tweets and re-tweets of the “head-on -the stick” professor really doesn’t offset the joy.
He also re-tweeted from another person that the first ‘fu*cker who said that teachers should be armed should be beaten to death.’
There is no parity between the success of a sweet beauty queen and agreement with that statement,so I guess I’m just a pickle,eh?

12 years ago

The head-on-the stick public employee is a high ranking member of our state educational system. He is entrusted with educating young college students.
As such,his attitude and remarks are an important part of any conversation about our educational system.
And I made a stupid error in the first sentence of my last post in thread.

12 years ago

I was looking at the picture of this beautiful,graceful,sweet young woman and thinking how happy I was that she won the title.

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