Mayor Leo Fontaine Surprises FOX’s Stuart Varney
… earlier this week on Varney & Co by not vigorously defending the social program that made Woonsocket the subject of that Washington Post article.
Don’t miss the part where Mayor Fontaine holds up a state application for food stamps and points out that the last page of it is a voter registration form. (H’mmm, an attempt by government to create a subliminal correlation between social programs and how to vote in the next election?)
[Monique is Editor of the RI Taxpayer Times newsletter.]
“Don’t miss the part where Mayor Fontaine holds up a state application for food stamps and points out that the last page of it is a voter registration form. (H’mmm, an attempt by government to create a subliminal correlation between social programs and how to vote in the next election?)”
Or maybe just an attempt to get people to register to vote.
Seriously, not everything is a conspiracy. It doesn’t help the conservative movement to throw around crackpot theories.
“Or maybe just an attempt to get people to register to vote.”
Seriously? Yes, seriously laughing my ass off at your response.
I’m similarly not into conspiracy theories, but it does seem kind of inappropriate to me at face value. Let’s put it this way – I never had a voter registration form attached to any of my tax bills.
“I never had a voter registration form attached to any of my tax bills.”
Dan, you raise a great point. I’d be totally fine with attaching voter registration forms to a lot of government mailings. I think that’s a great idea.
However, to jump to the conclusion that there is some conspiracy because they attach a voter registration form to some but not all government forms is intellectually lazy, and I’ve come to expect better from this site.
In my experience, the people who work in these “Human Service” agencies tend to be overwhelmingly Democrats and pro-big government, so it’s not ludicrous to assume there was some intentionality behind the context and placement of the voter form. I wouldn’t call it a “conspiracy.” “Clever,” I’d call it. Or if you prefer an internet meme:
To those who haven’t registered to vote:
Stay home! We’ll handle it.
“H’mmm, an attempt by government to create a subliminal correlation between social programs and how to vote in the next election?”
Monique is on to something this time! Let’s not forget the DMV, who by offering voter registration forms create a subliminal correlation between your SUV and the Democratic machine! Buuuuwahahahaaaa!
Russ – You have to request a voter registration form to receive it from the DMV.
The last time I renewed my RI drivers license they asked me if I wanted to register to vote. The same as the first time I got an Arizona license..
Sammy – Did they attach the form to the driver’s license application without asking? No, they didn’t.
I thought it was interesting that the host kept having to correct himself on the name of the state. It sounded like he instinctively wanted to say “Wrong Island.”
Dan…spot on. Denial is a tenet of Progressivism.
I live in Woonsocket.
Didn’t much care for seeing my American mayor questioned by and cooperating with someone who was raised as a slave/”subject” in an oppressive monarchy and who has apparently not assimilated here based on the tenor of his comments such as ‘We don’t expect this from Americans’. Or whatever the direct quote rubbish he spewed. Yes,I’m aware Varney is supposed to be Conservative.
He might be in his homeland monarchy. He spoke of Americans in the third person. Said it all to me.
Maybe I’ll run for Mayor. Look out Dave Fisher!