Patricia Morgan should debate Ray McKay.

I’m a little delayed in reacting to this, but it isn’t encouraging news:

State Rep. Patricia Morgan, who is one of two Republicans running in Rhode Island’s U.S. Senate race this year, has declined to debate her opponent in the primary, 12 News has learned. …

“We need our party united for when Ray drops out or loses in the primary come September. A debate between Patricia and Ray would, mostly likely, not center on policy differences, but would instead center on personal traits and accomplishments,” [Morgan Director of Communications Anthony] D’Ellena explained.

That’s a thin “explanation.”  RI Republicans aren’t really in a position to reinforce the notion that front-runners don’t have to debate.  More importantly, they can’t afford not to increase interest in their campaigns or give their base a feeling of real activity.

Morgan’s making a big mistake, here.

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