Public service announcement regarding RI registration renewals.

I was puzzled recently when I discovered that updated registration forms had somehow not made it into two of our cars.  The technician inspecting one of them told me many Rhode Islanders are accidentally throwing their registration forms out.  I chuckled along with him but wondered how that would be possible.

A couple days later, I was about to put new plates on my car, and I realized that I was about to do exactly that. The registration is printed on the folded inside of the piece of paper with your mailing address on it, which is stuck to the envelope.

At around $20 per online duplicate registration, that little error can add up quickly for the state (let alone tickets and fees for people who don’t have the current registration in their cars).  If the state were a private company, it might find itself subject to a class action lawsuit.  As it is, I guess the best we can do is alert each other about the scam.

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Tom Letourneau
Tom Letourneau
7 months ago

The 2 Absolute Worse Government Agencies are: At the Federal Level, a Tie between the IRS and the USPS. At the State Level, Hands Down it is DMV’s. And in 1st-Place, who else = “Rogues Island”!

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