We are being brought to the brink of calamity because…

… to relieve their existential anxiety, people want a simple story in which the good guys and the bad guys are easy to identify.

Genuinely bad people are willing to lie and tell that simplistic story, while good people acknowledge nuance and accept a share of blame.  This imbalance tilts the community’s judgment scale against the good people and worsens as individuals who are less bad become more invested in the story and individuals who are less good become less willing to stand with the nuance because they are then saddled with disproportionate blame.

A moment will come (and we’re fast approaching it) when the lies of the bad have become so outrageous and harmful to everybody that their badness is, indeed, obvious and nuance does not apply because their blame is wholly owned.  Yes, that moment will come, but its arrival does not inevitably portend the victory of the good; it may come too late.

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