Governor Carcieri’s Big Proposal, Cntd.
Governor Carcieri being interviewed by Dan Yorke (WPRO 630 AM)…
The Governor says that the legislature’s plan to use tobacco money to plug the deficit is bad for 2 reasons…
- Using a one-time windfall for operating expenses leaves you with the same problem again next year.
- The original plan for the tobacco funds (highway, I think) brings in a 4 to 1 Federal match. The legislature’s plan brings in nothing.
The Governor is not sure if the leadership in the legislature will buy into his plan or not. He doesn’t know if they have the courage to defy the unions.
The state has a contractual right to re-open negotiations on certain aspects of state employee benefit strcture (but not salaries). If no agreement is reached, it goes to arbitration.
The Governor says that up until a week ago, the legislative leadership was telling him that they wouldn’t be using the tobacco money to cover operating expenses. Apparently, they changed their minds.
“The original plan for the tobacco funds (highway, I think) brings in a 4 to 1 Federal match. The legislature’s plan brings in nothing.”
Groan. So multiply the lost tobacco dollars by four. Absurdly shortsighted.
My guess is that the GA tried to not use the tobacco money but couldn’t agree on what would be cut. I applaud the Governor for blocking their attempt to take the easy (and expensive) way out.
Posted by SusanD at June 7, 2007 9:22 PM
“The original plan for the tobacco funds (highway, I think) brings in a 4 to 1 Federal match. The legislature’s plan brings in nothing.”
Groan. So multiply the lost tobacco dollars by four. Absurdly shortsighted.
I am shocked. SHOCKED. LOL. The good news is that “if” Carcieri can get away with these layoffs the gravy train is “over”.
Then we can start with the bloated police, fire, public works, teachers at the municipal level.
Can’t wait to see the maggots and leeches rioting on Smith Hill.
Had Carcieri done what he said he would do six years ago, a platform I supported much to the chagrin of my union brethren, these measures would be unnecessary. Reducing the state workforce through attrition, negotiate better contracts with concessions from state workers, work with the Mutual Admiration Society, opps, I mean the General Assembly toward a more streamlined government, reduce taxes, attract business… What happened? If the state can afford to lay off 1000 workers without crippling government function, what in the world has the Governer been doing?
Put a cork in your champagne bottle Mike, the maggots and leeches on Capitol Hill are already in your pocket, cleverly disguised as our leaders, Republican Executive and Democrat Legislative. I know it is tempting but try venting your rage where it belongs.