Run to the City (or Town) of Refuge

Apparently, I’m not the only resident of Tiverton who knows that something wicked is this way coming:

The Rhode Island budget deficit will bankrupt the state in just a few years. I wonder if most of the state’s citizens are aware of just what this means:
• Governmental collapse.
• Extreme cuts in essential services, such as police and fire departments.
• Rapid deterioration of the school system.
• Cessation of public construction projects, as well as lack of maintenance for public buildings, roads and bridges.
• Major rise in the crime rate.
• Mass exodus of the best and brightest people and businesses and resulting tax-base erosion, worsening downward spiral.
Only a change in our welfare-state mentality can fix this!

Reading Stephen Miller’s letter brought to mind a thought project (or perhaps a quixotic inquiry) that I’ve been meaning to explore: What could towns do, or begin doing, to insulate their citizens against Rhode Island’s coming freeze?
Whether or not townies would be willing to insist on policies that must be followed, or elected town officials would be willing to implement them, is a separate question. But it occurs to me that the joint attendance of Mr. Miller and myself at a town council meeting would represent a sizable contingent of the involved citizenry scattered among the folding chairs. Where would we even start with our complaints and suggestions?

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17 years ago

The Rhode Island budget deficit will bankrupt the state in just a few years. I wonder if most of the state’s citizens are aware of just what this means:
• Governmental collapse.
• Extreme cuts in essential services, such as police and fire departments.
• Rapid deterioration of the school system.
• Cessation of public construction projects, as well as lack of maintenance for public buildings, roads and bridges.
Don’t count on any of that happening right away. The “progressives” will first raise taxes to number 1 in the US. Look for an “even” 10% sales tax and massive income tax hikes (the “progressives” will sell these by providing minute temporary property tax cuts). Once enough people leave and the tax hikes stop bringing in enough money to pay off the pyramid you will then see panic and collapse as in all pyramid scams. The loss of free babysitters will then be the least of the “progressives” worries. This is the real RIFUTURE.

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