Giving New Meaning to Universal Health Care
A caller to the Dan Yorke Show this afternoon did not quite connect the dots but juxtaposed Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Roberts’ position on universal health care (she favors it) with her call for the Governor to withdraw his Executive Order pertaining to illegal immigration.
The caller raised an interesting point. Putting together the Lieutenant Governor’s positions, if the Governor’s eminently reasonable, even minimal, Executive Order is rescinded and undocumented immigrants continue to arrive in the state, what will be the eventual cost of universal health care if it is implemented? And who will pick up that tab?
Caller to Matt’s show made a very amusing observation about Ms. Roberts. Let’s see if we have this right, the Lt. Gov of the State of Rhode Island could find the time to leave her no work job to attend a rally for illegal aliens yesterday yet today WPRO talk hosts have spent 13 hour trying to have Ms. Roberts explain herself to the general public but she’s simply been too busy to respond? lol Busy doing what? Hiding under the bed?
She runs to the illegals one day yet ignores the Rhode Island public the next. Yikes!
Does she know she stepped in it yesterday or does she know she stepped in it yesterday? Silence speaks volumes.
However I shall predict here and now this will not deter one M Chuckie Bakstabber from penning his love letter to the anti-Carcieri. Lizzie the new leader of alien nation will be hailed for her courage her strength her love of all humanity. Watch it happen! Chuckie’s in love! lol
PS – her universal health care plan is going nowhere. We’re broke!
The talk show hosts you refer to don’t speak to the general public. Where did you ever get such an idea. They speak to a small minority. How do I know that they speak to a small minority? Easy, their candidates usually fail to get elected, and in the case of our governor, after elected, they just fail.
No, they don’t speak “to” the general public, they speak “with” it. It’s called two-way communication — which is a lot more than I can say about the urinalists at the Projo. Most informed people listen to talk radio, although a smaller portion of that number actually call into the shows. I assume you are not among them.
By the way, wasn’t this the same lady who was castigating the governor for not communicating to her that he was out of the country (until he was already gone), but she can’t seem to find the time during her “busy” schedule to call him on the phone — or to walk down the hallway to his office (but she sure could find the time to pander to illegals). I’m sure if she knocked on his door, he wouldn’t have the capitol police drag her away to the dungeon (a/k/a State House Hearing Room 35).
It’d be nice to have the “mainstream media” call her out on her “inconsistent” standard regarding communication between elected officials. Since they won’t, here we are.
“The caller raised an interesting point. Putting together the Lieutenant Governor’s positions, if the Governor’s eminently reasonable, even minimal, Executive Order is rescinded and undocumented immigrants continue to arrive in the state, what will be the eventual cost of universal health care if it is implemented? And who will pick up that tab?”
All you have to do to answer the above question is study how the only state out of 50 states has been able to come closest to universal health care for all citizens living in that state without creating a financial nightmare with taxes, business, insurance companies and out of pocket individual expenses not to mention healthcare providers, hospitals and medical facilities. Some point to 96% covered population and other say 90% covered population.
Hawaii leads the nation with state population having the highest accessibility to covered health care and one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation
It’s not perfect yet as they are still fine tuning the system. I just don’t understand how a Republican governor and Democratic general assembly can do these things! Work together for the good of the state people.
I believe the Lieut-Governor besmirched her office by appearing at a rally to support the concealment of illegal aliens.A recall would be appropriate,but in reality I think she hurt her chances to run for Governor very seriously.She and Cicilline have both run afoul of the illegal immigration situation-the term “comprehensive immigration reform”is nothing but code for amnesty and no real border security.
I notice the media has ignored a highly significant US Supreme Court decision last week-Medellin vs.Texas-it was decided 6-3 to maintain the sovereignty of the US by denying consideration of an international court decision which intruded into the internal administration of laws in the US.the case in question concerned a Mexican national who tried to have his death sentence overturned because he could not have what he considered sufficient time with his Consul.This was NOT a decision on the death penalty.Predictably the Clinton appointees,Breyer and Ginsburg tried to insinuate the international court decision into US jurisprudence,They were joined by Souter.Thankfully they were stopped in their internationalist scheme.
Always amusing how you leftists seek to diminish and dismiss talk radio as you listen to it on a regular basis. Talk radio’s reach in Rhode Island is so narrow the Projo endlessly obsesses over it, progressive nutjobs attempt (and fail) to silence certain talk hosts through back channels and the new leader of alien nation Liz Roberts is now hiding under her bed because of it.
All this because talk radio and its’ narrow band of listeners don’t matter? lol
Stay tuned Lefty! We know you will.
>>“The caller raised an interesting point. Putting together the Lieutenant Governor’s positions, if the Governor’s eminently reasonable, even minimal, Executive Order is rescinded and undocumented immigrants continue to arrive in the state, what will be the eventual cost of universal health care if it is implemented? And who will pick up that tab?”
Consider by direct analogy the direct cost of “universal public education” for thousands (tens of thousands?) of illegal children and anchor babies: roughly $15,000 per in Providence (with miserable “results”) – subsidized by the taxpayers in the suburbs (as it is for the other “urban cores” of Woonsocket; Newport etc.) … and the suburban taxpayers are footing 100% of the tab for Central Falls (anyone wanna bet that additional “urban cores” will follow?).
Of course, those who live in the suburban communities are, on a relative basis, “rich” and so Democrat dogma requires that their “suburban class wealth” be redistributed to the “underprivileged urban class” communities.
That’s why under current the “state aid to education” scheme almost all aid goes to the urbans, and the suburban taxpayers are effectively paying for two school systems at once: their own through the property tax, and the urban systems through the income tax.
Talk radio goes up the wazoo of elitist liberals like bakst and jerzyk precisely because it is the unedited(except for profanity)voice of ordinary people.The “progressives” fear nothing more than the abiliy of the public to express their attitudes without built-in “controls”.The best proof is the longstanding opposition of the leftist,elitist Common Cause to voter initiative.I heard Phil West explain that voter initiative was dangerous to civil rights.He mentioned gays and “immigrants”.big surprise there-we need people like West to supervise our way of thinking-bunch of crap.The new director of Common Cause,one Ms.Lopes,is a dyed in the wool leftist out of Amherst-just what we need here(about as much as we need a SARS outbreak).
The new director of Common Cause,one Ms.Lopes,is a dyed in the wool leftist out of Amherst-just what we need here(about as much as we need a SARS outbreak).
Hah, Hah. Jooe, you have a way with words. You should have your own talk show!
Mike-I’ve been a guest on some talk shows,which convinced me quickly that there is a whole lot more to being a talk show host than being able to speak to an issue-I think I’ll stick to calling in and posting on blogs.The whole immigration debate has illustrated to me how people with a little knowledge-and I emphasize little,such as those leftists on ri’s future can pontificate about something it took me years of training and experience to learn.Terry Gorman is amazing-he has learned a lot about the issue and done serious background research to arrive at his conclusions.crowley,jerzyk,and segal just “know”things.They are intellectually lazy and substitute marxist screeds for common sense.
>>lazy and substitute marxist screeds for common sense.
Mr. Bernstein, with all due respect, methinks that you are being somewhat redundant: by definition Marxism / collectivism is a substitute for common sense – they are mutually exclusive! 🙂
I stand corrected :).Here’s a marxist joke:sam and moe are talking-sam says “i’m a communist”moe says”what’s that?”sam says”if i have two factories,i give you one;if i have two apartment buildings,i give you one-you understand now?”moe says “so if you have two shirts you give me one?”sam bristles-“no-i actually have two shirts”
I agree with Ken’s point, and will offer another piece of evidence. One of the main reasons Canada and Australia can afford universal health care is because they rigorously enforce their immigration laws. And Canada does it despite the fact it isn’t an island.
Talk radio speaks to a small choir. If you aren’t just talking to each other almost exclusively why aren’t you electing the people you favor?
Keep on pi–ing in the wind. It’s okay by me.
lefty-in case you didn’t notice,Carcieri was re-elected in a democrat sweep year when even a RINO like chafee got knocked off(by an absolute douchebag)
Yeah, I noticed. Even a blind squirrel sometimes finds an acorn. It is probably beneficial in the long run that Benito Carcieri won. As he surfaces more and more he will have set the Repblic-rats back for the next several elections.
Also, by reading your blogs and comments I get the idea that you constantly bemoan the fact that Rhode Island is a solidly Democratic state. You agree to that, nicht wahr?
Keep pi–ing in the wind.
Lefty-again you assume things-I find that there are a good number of democrats that I prefer to republicans.i myself am unaffiliated.i vote by issue-period.i have frequently voted for democrats that i thought were more representative of my views than some republicans who were not.i specifically recall voting for claiborne pell over claudine schneider because i thought pell was a decent man who represented the state with dignity-so don’t go thinking you know what i’m about because i don’t follow a political mantra