Feinting Round One

Surely, I’ve become too apt to be suspicious, but something in this labor rep’s reaction to the supplemental budget — in conjunction with the legislators’ “yelling and screaming” during debate of it — reminds me that this was merely the preface:

“It’s devastating,” said Dennis Grilli, head of the largest state employees union, Council 94. “All in all, I don’t think we fared very well.”
Labor’s disappointment was met with praise from Governor Carcieri’s office, which applauded the Democrat-dominated Assembly’s decision to avoid raising taxes to help close the massive budget hole.

I can already hear the claim that labor’s already taken “devastating” cuts, so now it’s the taxpayers’ (or the business community’s) turn.

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16 years ago

When labor starts whining that it’s the taxpayer’s turn to pitch in, we need to clearly remind them that on the see-saw of life our arses are still firmly planted on the ground. We’ve still got too much of the board.
They can come see me for ‘sharing’ conversations after they convert the defined benefit plan to a defined contribution plan. And not until. And even then I’ll be unlikely to want to open the wallet.

Citizen Critic
Citizen Critic
16 years ago

RI should abolish public sector unions.

16 years ago

Guess The Don can pound his chest and do his victory lap now.

16 years ago

Typical liberal. Blame the Republican when the Democrat-controlled General Assembly does something.

16 years ago

It seems to me that the price that public sector workers has to pay for the current budget hole makes them some kind of reverse special interest group and an easy target. The only relief they get (remember they’re also taxpayers) is when the focus is on immigrants.

Ragin' Rhode Islander
Ragin' Rhode Islander
16 years ago

–It seems to me that the price that public sector workers has to pay for the current budget hole makes them some kind of reverse special interest group and an easy target. The only relief they get (remember they’re also taxpayers) is when the focus is on immigrants.
According to Ocean State Republican it looks like the state workers through their union bosses sowed the seeds of their own fiscal doom!
There’s a certain poetic justice to it all.
Welfare industry vs. unions: the poverty pimps have the numbers, and so in the long run will win.

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