The complete Palin interview with Gibson

Here is the complete transcript of the Palin interview with Gibson.
Now everyone can see what was edited out. NewBusters comments:

A transcript of the unedited interview of Sarah Palin by Charles Gibson clearly shows that ABC News edited out crucial portions of the interview that showed Palin as knowledgeable or presented her answers out of context…
we see that Palin was not nearly as hostile towards Russia as was presented in the edited interview…
We also see from Palin’s…remark, which was also edited out, that she is far from some sort of latter day Cold Warrior which the edited interview made her seem to be…
Palin’s extended remarks about defending our NATO allies were edited out to make it seem that she was ready to go to war with Russia…That answer presented Palin as a bit too knowledgeable for the purposes of ABC News and was, of course, edited out.
Palin’s answers about a nuclear Iran were carefully edited to the point where she was even edited out in mid-sentence to make it seem that Palin favored unilateral action against that country…
Laughably, a remark by Gibson that indicated he agreed with Palin was edited out…Gibson took her point about Lincoln’s words but we wouldn’t know that by watching the interview since it was left on the cutting room floor…

H/T Power Line.
And, after a performance like that, the MSM is upset over how IT is being treated. LOL.
You would think at some point these people would catch on that their behaviors and words make them come across like a bunch of partisan imbeciles.
The contrast is stark:
Sending lots of people into Alaska to investigate Palin’s history is fine. Aggressively questioning Palin is fine.
But it is the double standard which is appalling. Not sending anybody into Chicago to do a similar investigation of PRESIDENTIAL candidate Obama doesn’t cut it. What about Wright, Ayers, Woods Foundation, Rezko? There you have specific and explicitly known questionnable behaviors and affiliations by Obama and the MSM has no interest. Combining that with a lack of aggressive questioning of Obama about these dubious affiliations only magnifies the contrast, magnifies the bias. In addition, the MSM also don’t even have any interest in digging into Obama’s missing years earlier in his life.
But the MSM has spent months publishing glowing, uncritical stories about Obama, ignoring all the strange and seedy relationships in his past. Or his lack of experience and how easily rattled he has gotten. And then publish stories about Palin which contain either thin gruel or outright falsehoods. Flagrant contrast.

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16 years ago

Ah, she can see Russia from her home in Alaska. Now I feel better about her diplomatic skills. After all, why bother with someone who has experienced the world outside of the United States or who has a “big, fat” resume as Palin so handily put it?
Oh, and to address just one item out of this thoroughly disturbing interview. Russia was “unprovoked” when it invaded Georgia. No one other than Ms. Palin believes that. The Russian response was surely disproportionate, but it certainly was not entirely unprovoked. Oh well, one can’t expect her to remember of all the last-minute cramming she has done lately. After all, you can’t make up for a lifetime of ignorance of the world in a few weeks.

16 years ago

Gibson’s questions and tone, while confrontational, were not particularly objectionable and were to be expected at some point during some interview. The problem with his questions and tone is a larger one reflective of the msm. Has anyone asked Senator Obama similarly challenging questions in the same tone? If not, why not?
The edited previews were unacceptable, however, because they conveyed false information about Palin. If they wanted to preview the interview to boost viewership, they needed to either show a complete question and answer or just air a shot from the interview of the two of them without audio, with a hyped up announcement, “Tonight, exclusively on ABC!!! Watch the BIG BIG BIG Sarah Palin interview!!! Don’t miss it!!! ONLY on ABC!!! This is gonna be GREAT!!! (Did we mention exclusively???)” etc.

16 years ago

Lightweight is as lightweight does, and Palin is a lightweight. There’s a Spanish proverb that fits her very well: “Pygmies stuffed and placed on the Alps, are pygmies still”

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
16 years ago

And Obamessiah is a giant among men,right?
He’s running for President by the way.
I heard him spout off about the “veteran’s corps”,and the “clean energy corps”,and the “homeland security corps”,blah,blah,etc.
how will this feelgood crap be paid for,and who will be hired to fill the jobs?Only those approved by people like Billy Ayers?I’m not joking about this.
In the Johnson era a large Chicago street gang,the Blackstone Rangers grabbed a huge chunk of poverty funds under the guise of “community leadership”.A bunch of them went to the can,but not before the money disappeared into their pockets.

16 years ago

“how will this feelgood crap be paid for”
Plus, Senator Obama would cut taxes for 91% of all Americans. Quite a trick considering that 40% of all Americans do not even pay taxes.

Thomas Schmeling
Thomas Schmeling
16 years ago

Monique said, “40% of all Americans do not even pay taxes.”
Monique, with all due respect, there is no way that this can be even close to true. What is your source for this statement?

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
16 years ago

Mr.Schmeling-it really doesn’t matter what exact percentage of Americans pay taxes-I know I certainly do,and as a taxpayer I don’t want to hear this amateurish nonsense about various “corps”-is Obama planning on “organizing” the country?He seldom sounds grounded in reality.His idea of college tuition for “service” is BS.There already is such a program called the GI Bill.I used it to complete my education.Many thousands of others did also.The payment was in advance,my friend.

Thomas Schmeling
Thomas Schmeling
16 years ago

“-it really doesn’t matter what exact percentage of Americans pay taxes-“
Monique thinks it does, and that’s enough for me. I was addressing her comment, not yours.
But, let me spare Monique the trouble, as I was only offering a friendly tweak, rather than an argument. What she meant to say (I hope!) was “40% of all Americans don’t even pay FEDERAL INCOME TAXES”.
Whether or not that’s true, Federal Income Tax is about 30% of the total taxes paid by Americans. FICA, SSI, Property taxes, excise taxes (gas, cigarettes, etc) together amount to a greater proportion of the total tax burden, and there is obviously no way that only 60% of Americans pay these. All of the above are also obviously more regressive than the income tax.
I was unaware that Obama had been claiming that his proposals would cut the income taxes for 91% of taxpayers, and I’d agree that’s an odd claim. Of course, his proposals would clearly benefit a greater benefit to a much larger number of Americans than would McCain’s.

16 years ago

This is from Barack Obama’s nomination acceptance speech

I will — listen now — I will cut taxes — cut taxes — for 95 percent of all working families, because, in an economy like this, the last thing we should do is raise taxes on the middle class.

Justin Katz
16 years ago

Of course, his proposals would clearly benefit a greater benefit to a much larger number of Americans than would McCain’s.

Well, at least until the economy begins to see the effects of wealthy folks’ reaction. Less investment. Foreign shelters. Lower spending.

16 years ago

“working families” 95% of all working families
I’m sure that we all share your concern about the patriotic reaction of the wealthy if the tax policies were to change to reflect a more equitable treatment of a majority of our citizens.
Mulitple Monique
One of you should be able to answer Thomas Schmeling.
Donald Hawthorne
Have you lost your appetite. Does a picture of Sarah cause your heart to thump? Oh how the staid republicans have lost their collective heads over this lady from the frozen north. So pure and white like the beautiful but terrible terrain your love inhabits. Never mind the fact that she would have been a hit had she had a speech for the convention much like Obama’s in 2004. But Vice President? Really?

16 years ago

Maybe the people need to see what “progressive” economics does to a country. 20% interest rates and inflation, gas rationing. After 4 years of “Carter’s Second Term” we’ll see another quarter century of Republican presidents.

16 years ago

So Justin you admit the reality of Obama’s Tax proposal, i.e. it would “benefit a much larger number of Americans than would McCain’s” then attempt to counter with fear tactics. Fear and paranoia is where the Republicans live and all they have to offer is a noun, a verb and 9/11.
I see no reason to listen to a bunch of scare mongers who have fugged up this economy while a few of their cohorts pocket enormous personal wealth. In case you haven’t looked were in a hell of a lot of financial trouble and the Republicans have been at the wheel for driving for the first six years and have been preventing steering adjustments for the last two. Face up and back off!

Donald B. Hawthorne
Donald B. Hawthorne
16 years ago

Hey Phil:
When someone already has a Messiah, they don’t need to go looking for one – be it Obama or Palin. LOL.
Besides, you are wandering off-topic – The subject of this post is the overt, in-your-face bias of the MSM, not some made-up adoration of Palin.
Unlike many on the Left, some of us set aside adoration practices for religious gods, not secular political “gods” from any political party!

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
16 years ago

Thomas-I know you were addressing Monique,but since this is an open forum and not a political science class,where one has to raise their hand,I just thought I would put my 2 cents in.
I don’t think either party can necessarily cure the problems of the global economy we are entangled with,but on other issues there will be a world of difference.The MSM is generally left-leaning and it looks like they’ve been waiting for a chance to go in the tank for a left wing politician like Obama.The MSM leans left because journalism schools are run by academics who turned left in the Sixties and never looked back.

16 years ago

Doesn’t pointing out the “working families” caveat make Obama’s position even less believable, as it implies he’s going to pay for all of the government expansion he wants to do by raising taxes on less than 5% of all families?

16 years ago

Buy a slide rule or learn some basic economics and you’ll find out how much tax can equitably, and I mean equitably, be obtained by raising the Fab Five’s taxes. It won’t be much hardship on them since they’ll only have to return one or two yachts to keep their mansions, private jets, and ice sculpture parties going.
“Observe how easily a crowd turns mob
Through ignorance of its wise rulers’ job.
Work for and trust the powerful few.
What’s best for them is best for you.”
The powerful few have had their hands on the steering wheel of the economy. Your beloved saint, Ronald Ray-gun began the deregularization process which led us down this ruinous path that we are embarked upon, and you want more of the same couched in the borrowed phrase “Change”. By “change” McCain means change Republican style which consists of polishing the edges while the body lies rotting inside.

16 years ago

Humor me: draw one link between Reagan deregulation and the state of the U.S. Economy today. Please.

Thomas Schmeling
Thomas Schmeling
16 years ago

You said Thomas-I know you were addressing Monique,but since this is an open forum and not a political science class,where one has to raise their hand,I just thought I would put my 2 cents in.
I would never suggest that you shouldn’t say what you think on this forum; I was puzzled that you addressed a comment to me, personally, regarding a subject on which I had expressed no opinion at all.
On the flip side, in my classes I feel obliged to attempt to answer any question posed to me, as long as he is at least marginally related to the topic I’m talking about. Here, thankfully, I have no such obligation.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
16 years ago

Thomas-I must’ve taken it the wrong way.It’s not like you can hear a tone of voice on a blog.No biggie.

16 years ago

Goodness, it’s nice to be clamored for. Thanks, Phil.
Wait a minute. 95% of working families get a tax break? So working individuals like myself will see our taxes go the other way?? Forget it. I’m not voting for Obama.
As for candidates who have made speeches at party conventions. Phil. Are you saying the only substantive basis for Senator Obama’s candidacy is that speech he made a couple of years ago? And conversely, if Gov Palin had made a similar speech in a similar circumstance, you would have supported her for President?

16 years ago

10 chickens in every pot. Paid for by CUTTING taxes for 95%? Anyone remember what happened to those kids who followed the Pied Piper?

Voter Abroad
Voter Abroad
16 years ago

All of this talk about taxes is a farce. John McCain has lost credibility in my eyes for a number of reasons, but the main one is that he said “I will not raise your taxes”. I’m not for bigger government by any stretch, but can you tell me how we will pay for what we have promised our baby boomer generation in terms of Social Security? Does the GAO lie when they say it will go bankrupt in a short 22 years? Our problem is not the addition of new programs (although that is a problem), it is that we can’t pay for what we have already promised. Why should I continue to pay into SS when I know that I will likely not see a dime of it? Neither candidate has presented a plan that will cut spending enough (or at all, with specifics, as far as I can tell) to bring these obligations under control. I guess we’ll just print money when the day comes. The printers will be going full speed already to pay for Cost Of Living adjusted State and Federal pensions and Medicare. In the clip, the man who could have been the best candidate rips into the practice of earmarks and rightfully so. But then he (or was it Rove) selects a VP candidate who hired lobbyists to bring the Pork home? Can we simply discard that? Enough about Palin. Our beloved Carcieri is more qualified. If it had to be a woman, why not Fiorentina who stumps so eloquently for the cause and who has international experience? Oh right, she doesn’t have a gun license. The RNC has once again made this election about single issues that may be important in our hearts but don’t really effect the viability of our… Read more »

16 years ago

Geo. In the future, please refer to me as OTL or OldTimeLefty and keep your insouciance to yourself. Now to answer your question; you can read Thomas Friedman’s “The Earth Is Flat”. If that’s too much try digesting this:
The raids on American companies started in the 1980’s under Ronald Reagan. Remember the S&L debacle – I’m sure any supporter of McCain would want to forget Keating. Companies were acquired by hostiles with junk bonds, pensions were stolen, benefits were cut, money was borrowed using the company as collateral and then sold. Many companies were hard pressed just to survive–some did not. Then the Raiders did the same thing to cities, counties, and even state governments.
Are you humored yet?

16 years ago

A tanning bed in every basement!

16 years ago

“Are we OK with leaving the status quo where income inequality is greater than ever?
… Ron Paul would not have made a good President, but we should listen to much of what he had to say.”
Do these two statements belong together, Voter Abroad? If elected President, would Ron Paul try to close income inequities?
Moreover, should we try to close income inequities? If so, how?

16 years ago

Did you actually read Thomas Friedman’s novel? He attributes his economic thesis primarily to globalization and new technology in addition to the lowering of trade and political barriers. Also the lowering of trade barriers and globalization started well before the Reagan years but even so, blaming him is false because it’s Congress that makes those laws and which party controlled both houses of Congress from 1980-1988?
And the S&L debacle, another stain on capitalism, right? That’s a powerful argument only assuming that there are no examples of economic harms occurring under socialism. Not at all. That’s why there are so many examples of prosperous socialist economies throughout the world.

Voter Abroad
Voter Abroad
16 years ago

My point with Ron Paul is that at least he realizes that we are on the brink. For the fiscally conservative party to ignore this is mind boggling. For the Democrats who are supposed to champion these social programs, it is incompetence. Heck, Harry Reid says Social Security is sound and just needs a few tweaks! Why won’t McCain make fixing Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid a priority? Did I miss this in the speeches at the Republican Convention? I suspect he knows, that should he win, he won’t be able to do much of anything with a Democratic Congress. Our politicians on either side aren’t mature enough to work together to make our country work, so Democratic obstinacy could possibly be the excuse for the next four years. They will blame each other, point fingers, and try to win control by the slimmest of margins in the NEXT election so they can ram decisions down the other sides throat. Just as likely, McCain knows that to make these programs sustainable in the long run he either needs to cut benefits significantly now, telling the neo-boomers that the Social Security check they were counting on for a meager subsistence is going to be much smaller than expected, or he needs to RAISE YOUR TAXES. The alternative to these (which becomes a more likely scenario as the days pass) is that they will just pass the buck, and the government, whoever is in control in 2030, will just say “Sorry guys, it was a pyramid scheme, you should have saved more.” Passing the buck is the only way that McCain’s “I will not raise your taxes” is not a lie. I am sick of my President lying to me. I am sick that we will be passing this burden on to our children.… Read more »

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