Group Liveblog: McCain v. Obama Debate II
Given the mildly confusing results of our improvised group liveblogging of the vice presidential debate, we thought to try something a bit different this time around: We’re going to liveblog in the comments to this post, which has the added benefit of allowing you to participate. Please note, though, that we’ll likely be more particular about what comments we allow in such circumstances.
Click here to follow and partake of the discussion.
First question: An Obama gimme.
McCain’s going to buy all mortgages at their inflated prices and renegotiate them down to market value?
So much for no follow-ups.
McCain is getting killed here. He’s gotta at least pretend to have an interest in economic policy.
And Obama goes right to the attack, bringing up the “fundamentals of the economy are sound” comment.
Andrew… a little early to declare that!
Rhody, I like the follow-ups. The whole point of a single moderator format is to have someone there who can keep the pols honest when they wander off too deeply into their stump speeches.
Good for McCain, though, bringing up Obama’s interest in Fannie and Freddie. Could have had a twofer if he’d brought in O’s short term of service in which he accomplished his second-place receipt of money from the two organizations.
McCain forgot the questioner’s name. Is he tiring this quick? And Obama was right on it.
Regulation v. deregulation. I’m not sure this is a budge-able line anymore for each side.
I agree, Andrew. They shouldn’t have raised the prospect of no follow-ups in the first place.
Another strong follow-up from Brokaw!
A bit delayed here.
Hey, I’m all in favor of Senator Obama’s 95% tax reduction for whomever. The question is, what is he cutting to accomplish that? And does he still think he can implement his costly shopping list of campaign promises?
Third time McCain’s said “buy up these bad loans.” Must be a key strategy.
Will Obama tell questioner #3 not to be so bitter?
Excellent question, Ms. Finch.
Obama takes a bipartisan question and runs to partisanship. Running against George Bush again.
This seems like a strong suit for McCain… bucked my party, and all.
What is Obama actually planning to cut? Is this one of those “I’m not spending as much as is theoretically possible, therefore it’s a cut” arguments?
How much you wanna bet that Saturday Night Live has Tina Fey pop up in the audience as Sarah Palin and ask a question?
(That could bring in the whole cast of imitators.)
Finally, we’re getting combative. Does Obama counter with the bear DNA study?
The guy in the green shirt looks either confused or extremely concerned.
We can do all 3: Strike #2 against McCain not showing interest in actual policy.
Obama’s not going to fit all 3 priorities into 1 minute.
Oooo… stayed away from entitlements and threw in education.
re Obama: Saying we’re going to do them all isn’t setting priorities.
They need to give Brokaw a trapdoor button he can activate when the candidates go overtime in the discussion period.
Terrible answer from McCain. Question: How are people other than the military personnel going to sacrifice? McCain: Cut defense contractors.
(And wasn’t the question for Obama?)
Will the overhead projector become the new Bridge to Nowhere? John, I want a tax cut too, but it would require getting out of Iraq.
Obama is right on the “go out and shop” issue.
Obama’s got several small bald spots. His follicles think he has this won already.
Obama is making the “fiscal responsibility is raising taxes to pay for massive government spending” argument.
Tough to ask a teacher to tighten her belt? Hah!
I read somewhere recently that Obama only ever refers to union public-sector jobs when he talks about working folk. It’s true.
Ooo, 50% of small businesses will have increased taxes under Senator Obama. Good one.
Obama: I don’t want to follow the rules, and I’m going to ignore the next question.
McCain should leave the zingers to Palin. The jello shot and “I’ve got news for you” come off weak, like when Reagan tried to recycle “There you go again” on Mondale.
Tom’s getting cheesed.
Brokaw drops the hammer on time limits!
Obama is over-promising, according to what the Tax Policy Center says.
“A few percent of small businesses make more than $250,000 per year.” How’s Obama measuring that?
Is McCain going to tell us what the social security fix is?
C’mon, John. You can’t say “solving Social Security is simple” without a few words of explanation.
“Social Security’s not that tough?” C’mon, John.
If we were playing a “my friends” drinking game, the screen would be a blur right now (if I wasn’t still comatose from playing “maverick” last Thursday).
… “investments”, also known as spending “tax dollars”. Doesn’t this man have a mental calculator to keep track of all his initiatives?
Do voters actually pay attention when candidates throw out numbers like: “He voted against that 23 times”? Out of how many? Under what circumstances? Or is it just to add a bit of “I’m-not-making-this-up” flavor?
They should replace the lights with laser beams that go off when the candidates go over.
Good for McCain pointing out that he votes against bills because they’re larded.
Another gimme for Obama: “Should healthcare be treated as a commodity?”
I have a tough time listening to these guys each claim the other stuffs more pork when they both pleased the rum and NASCAR lobbies for a combined $300 million last Friday.
Here comes Obama’s proposal for a Fannie Mae for healthcare…
Obama is arguing that corporate employees should be allowed a tax break that the self-employed aren’t allowed.