Trillo to Run For Governor

Multiple sources have informed me that State Representative Joseph Trillo (R-Warwick) has announced his intention to form an exploratory committee to investigate running for Governor of Rhode Island

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15 years ago

I’d love to know who convinced him he had a shot at winning…

15 years ago

I’ll start canvassing the neighborhoods now.
He now has one confirmed vote. I’ll talk to the wife to see if I can double the tally.
This beats the Donna Perry announcement.

15 years ago

I’ll start canvassing the neighborhoods tomorrow.
He now has one confirmed vote. I’ll talk to the wife to see if I can double the tally.
This beats the Donna Perry announcement.

15 years ago

Go Count Chocula! I’ll vote for you!

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
15 years ago

he has no chance.He is a good legislaor,but it is obvious if you ever watch Capitol TV that he is shovelling shit against the tide.
If we are whacked with a middle class tax increase by the lying bags of garbage in the GA,then just maybe by 2010 the state will be ready for a change,but I’m not counting on it.

15 years ago

Where can i donate?

15 years ago

Where can i donate?

15 years ago

Does an old guy with an (r) before his name really have a chance? I mean. RI barely escaped a disasterous Charlie Fogerty administration!
As shameless as Caprio is, Andrew’s interview with him atleast shows that he “gets it” and may govern from the center. So unless Laffey runs…

15 years ago

“Does an old guy with an (r) before his name really have a chance? I mean. RI barely escaped a disasterous Charlie Fogerty administration!”
That had nothing to do with Carcieri. That vote was 50.x% to 49.x%, but after you remove the straight ticket voting, it dropped right back to 60-40. Which one is the true mandate?
It was more an anti-Bush, pro-Sheldon, wipe out the US Senate and House of all Republicans.
That being said, I am tempted to vote for the Democratic candidate for Governor in two years because right now, every time bad news comes out “Carcieri’s fault”. Good news comes out, it’s because of the insight of the Democrats.
I want to see what happens when RI goes further down the crapper with a Democratic Governor and an all Democratic Assembly. Then who do they blame? All because of decisions that Carcieri made x number of years ago? Eventually they’ll have to be held accountable.
A Trillo announcement is nice, it’ll be good to have a primary on the Republican side, but this election is Laffey vs. Caprio from day 1. Lynch/Roberts/Cicilline/Mollis/Whoever can throw their hat in there, but that primary is Caprio’s to lose. He’ll have to screw up really bad to not win it.

15 years ago

This announcement is pre-mature. I think we should have the election first, then explore.
Anyone who needs an explanation, doesn’t know Joe Trillo.

15 years ago

Patrick, the democrat base comes out in force in the RI democrat primary. That is why left wing Myrth Yorke was able to oust the more centrist incumbent Governor Sundlund in the ’94 primary.
The democrat primary for Gov is Roberts’ or Lynch’s to lose unless by fluke a split liberal vote gives him an edge. Less likely in the democrat primary than in the General, where a liberal independent like Chafee will help the Republican candidate.
Could Trillo’s announcement mean that his ally Chafee is not running?

15 years ago

If Trillo’s running, I look forward to a Laffey implosion. His ego absolutely will not tolerate a GOP primary opponent (not that I mind seeing Steverino get a taste of the same vinegar Chafee had to drink in ’06).
On the Dem side, Caprio’s the man. He’s made all the right moves so far. Cicilline will be pummeled on talk radio, Patrick Lynch doesn’t strike me at gubernatorial timber, and the Dem good ‘ol boys will do anything to deny Liz the nomination.
Caprio has one big accomplishment to brag about: he got his union people to accept concessions without the use of WPRO microphones. That’s respect.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
15 years ago

Rhody-Cicilline will be pummelled on talk radio because the Projo is kissing his ass and because he is a lying little bag of pus.

15 years ago

Rhody: Did you miss the Chafee-Laffey primary?
You do know that it was Laffey that decided to take the fight to a sitting Senator and not the other way around, right?
I don’t think he imploded there. If Chafee had any other last name, he would have lost in that match up.
It’s Laffey-Caprio in my book.

15 years ago

Laffey has faced all his opponents with dignity. Even the challenged-in-every-aspect Gorilla man Lloyd Morse has the right to run in a democracy. Laffey supported his right to participate in debates. The union-backed crossing-guard husband Garry Reilly also ran against Laffey out of spite. Laffey fought them hard on the issues, but never attempted to deny their right to run against him, nor did he ever attack them personally.
It was the Chafee-Trillo insiders who said Laffey shouldn’t run for Senate. Many of them tried to tell him he couldn’t run.
Laffey will stick to the issues. It will be very healthy for the state if his opponents can do the same.

15 years ago

George wrote:
“It will be very healthy for the state if his opponents can do the same.”
Yes, but often they don’t and that’s why the Republican has frequently won the Gov’s seat. There’s a respectful primary on the Republicans’ side, and there’s mayhem on the Dems’ side, so the voters are so sick of the Dems and the GOP candidate doesn’t look as weak coming into the general election that the Republican wins. That and their three-ways also hurt. I believe that without Tony Pires in the ’02 primary, Sheldon wins the primary and quite possibly wins the Gov seat. The “two time election loser” label was pretty easy to affix to York and convince the voters that they didn’t want her twice before, and they don’t want her now either.
But anyway, old history. I’m sticking with my guns on Caprio v. Laffey. And that’s going to be a great election to watch. The whole tone of “You lost a ton of money in the state pensions” vs. “But I didn’t lose as much as other states!”. It’ll be fun to see which prevails.

15 years ago

If Laffey didn’t implode, how come he barely won his own city (and couldn’t even win his own precinct)? It tells me that a good number of people who voted for him in the past got tired of his act.
What do Chafee and Trillo have in common besides the R and living in the same section of Warwick (no longer true for Chafee in either case?) I don’t think Trillo being in necessarily means Chafee’s out.

Mike Cappelli
Mike Cappelli
15 years ago

It’s really stupid to talk about stuff you have no clue about. It just makes you look, well, stupid.
The reason why Laffey lost his own district is because he stuck to his principles, despite the political cost. I know that’s a foreign concept to left-wing nutbags, but it’s not to everyone.
Laffey would not come out against the concrete plant in his district. While that was unpopular in the district, he looked past the the expedient and looked at what was right. Like, the property was zoned properly, the property owners had every right to do what they were doing, and it was all permitted properly. DEM passed on it, not once, but twice. Plus, the city could use the tax revenue from another business.
How ironic that the retard Napolitano that came in after him ended up agreeing to pay them 2 million dollars to not build it. That really sounds like the property owners didn’t stand a chance of winning in court, huh?
Sometimes, rhody, people actually do put principle over politics. That is exactly why Laffey will be a formidable opponent to anyone he runs against – especially some left wing nutbag that is kneedeep in causing all the problems we are not in the midst of. That’s all the Democrats will pull off of their bench. Caprio doesn’t stand a chance unless it’s a three way Democratic primary, and the other two split the nutbag vote. Like mentioned earlier, just look at Myrth York; three times, she took rode the nutbag vote to the final race. Her problem, heck the Democrats problem, has been that there just aren’t that many nubags once you get out of a Democratic primary.

15 years ago

Principle? The next principle we see out of Laffey will be his first.
But then again, since I disagree with Cappelli here, I guess I’m just stupid.

Mike Cappelli
Mike Cappelli
15 years ago

…and a nutbag.

15 years ago

Ah. Cappelli name-calling. The last resort when reasoned debate fails…

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