Another RI Newcomer Speaks Truth to Insanity
Gary Smith, of Newport, has come to a conclusion that will be familiar to Anchor Rising readers:
So I asked myself: What is keeping companies away, especially those for whom shipping is not an issue? The answer is and has long been obvious — taxes. CEOs won’t relocate to places where their high incomes get hit hard. Companies won’t relocate to a state where corporate taxes exceed those of neighboring states. So it would appear that the recommendations of the governor’s panel are right on target — and the key part of the panel’s findings is that the changes, if enacted, will be revenue-neutral.
It’s time for our legislature to wake up and move forward expeditiously and get this state on the move again; it has much to offer. Maybe it takes an outsider to see it. With competitive taxes I think Rhode Island is an easy sell.
Welcome to the battle, Gary. I regret to inform you, however, that the project is much more daunting than you realize.