Breaking News out of the North: Mayor Menard Will Not Seek Reelection

At 8:20 this morning on WNRI‘s Up Front program, Mayor Susan Menard announced that she would not seek re-election.
She gave no reason; she simply made the statement “out of the clear blue sky” and “with finality”, as WNRI co-owner Richard Bouchard, filling in for Dave Kane, later described her announcement.
Commenter Patrick suggests a potential campaign philosophy for the upcoming mayoral election. We should note that Woonsocket holds its local elections in off years. Therefore, the primary for both city council and mayor’s office will take place this October and the general will be held in November; declaration papers will be available in August.
Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines.

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15 years ago

Just remember, this is the same Mayor who stated she was retiring last June. If this statement is true, Christmas has come early.

15 years ago

And we should believe her because ???? Isnt this the same person who was retiring last June?? Isnt this the same person that plagiarized her graduation speech to the high school, and now this is the person who said that all employees including her needed to take a 5% pay cut until that is she is found out to only be taking a 3% ?? Not a beacon of credibility.

15 years ago

Great. A Republican should announce right now his intent to run for Mayor. That kind of forces the issue a little bit.
And by a Republican, I mean a real one. One that takes pride in their town and its finances. Not one that leeches off the state and their neighboring cities.

15 years ago

As far as announcing, Leo Fontaine announced on that same show a few months ago that it was his intention to run regardless of whether Menard ran or not. Two time candidate Todd Brien apparently indicated the same in a newspaper article.

15 years ago

“In terms of fiscal realities, however, something in excess of 85% of Woonsocket’s operating budget is funded by the state. So anyone who wanted Woonsocket to stand on its own feet financially would have to either increase all property and local taxes eight fold (literally) or reduce city services by 85%”
Theoretically yes. However, no town is 100% independent financially. Even Barrington gets some money back from the state. How about making it a goal to only be 75% dependent on the state in 3 years. Then 60% in five years, then to whatever the state average is in 8 years?
The problem is Menard would frequently not raise taxes in order to keep her seat. Works great if you have a state legislature that’s going to put the town on welfare.
It is beyond me as to why a town can get 85% of their funding from the state, or 100% as in the case of Central Falls. How can all the residents and businesses only afford 15% of the city’s budget? That’s ridiculous. That sounds like quite a bit of fluff around there.

15 years ago

We’ve heard this before. I wouldn’t trust the woman as far as I could throw her.
I’ll believe she’s leaving when the filing deadline passes and she hasn’t submitted papers. She’ll watch the field develop, and if it looks like somebody not to her and John Dionne’s liking might win, she’ll be back.

15 years ago

She is sick of “talking to the unions”. Dick Bouchard is a great man. I hope he or his brother run.

15 years ago

And what’s with the off-year elections? We always hear how elections aren’t cheap, so why is a town which can’t afford itself holding an election every single year? How does that make sense? How about changing it so the next mayor gets a 3 or 5 year term and then sync up with the regular two year cycle? Right there and the town could become 16% independent.

15 years ago

They still have two-year terms, but the elections are held in odd years, instead of even ones. I think Woonsocket and Central Falls are the only RI towns with odd year elections. Of course, this leads to the question, has anyone in either town actually benefited from an arrangement which likely leads to rock bottom voter turnout?

15 years ago

Ok, then make it a 3 year term this one time and sync up with the rest of the election cycle.
How do we find out how much Woonsocket (aka 85% of the rest of the state’s money) goes toward their city elections in odd numbered years? A couple thousand dollars? They have a couple thousand dollars extra to throw away every year??

15 years ago

True, Monique, she loses credibility with the likes of you and I. But she still has a cultlike hold on the senior high-rises, which are her base. And the Democratic good old boys will do anything to protect her.

15 years ago

The court just ruled Sue can layoff 11 of the little princes. She better be sleeping in an “undisclosed location” for a while. RI fireman are the most vicious mother******* on the planet. I’ll take my chances with the Latin Kings or Oriental Rascals any day before RI’s self-appointed royalty of police/fire.

15 years ago

In the long line of dumb things you have said in the comments section of this blog, saying that you prefer gang-bangers over firemen has got to be the dumbest.

15 years ago

I have, on the fringes of my family and circle, known too many cops, firemen, prison guards, “labor” leaders, etc.
Let me just say that “if you knew what I knew” you would not have made your ignorant comment above.

15 years ago

That’s why we still have problems with gangs in this state…too many “adults” who see the Kings or the Rascals as a means to accomplish their goals.
Hell, let’s just put legbreakers on the ballot while we’re at it.

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