Taxes and Incentives

Most Rhode Islanders are likely ambivalent about their state’s status as background scenery for Hollywood movies. Yeah, it’s neat to see familiar places on the big screen, as well as to spot famous people around town, but it remains a novelty, not a matter of economic import or civic identity. Still, this strikes me as a fitting allegory:

A year after lawmakers voted to cap the controversial movie and TV tax-credit program, Rhode Island Film & Television Office Director Steven Feinberg acknowledges it has been “a challenge” to continue to attract movies and other productions to the state.
Forget the historic charm and seaside vistas: without the tax breaks, Rhode Island loses a little of its luster.

One suspects that a similar dynamic exists with that much lauded “quality of life” by which certain players attempt to distract from the fact that scenery is of mere mild comfort when one can’t pay the bills.

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concerned reader in eg
concerned reader in eg
15 years ago

What is the connection between taxes and not being able to pay the bills?
On other RW scribble-sheets, the RW is always complaining that low-income folk–the ones who have trouble paying bills–don’t pay any taxes.
So how can taxes be a factor for people not being able to pay bills?

Justin Katz
15 years ago

I said that this instance makes a good allegory. The point of emphasis was the various “quality of life” factors that folks often cite for Rhode Island. I’ve made the point several times that those factors don’t amount to much if you can’t afford to partake of them because it’s so hard to make a living in this state.
In this allegory, it is the lack of tax incentive that ostensibly is leading studios to make due with other scenery. I didn’t mean to imply a direct application to regular citizens financial well-being.

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