The Bristol Independence Day Parade, the Leafleters and the Question of Danger

What’s confusing is the statement by the parade committee that the handing out of these Constitution leaflets posed a danger.
The leaflets were handed out along the side of the parade, not from the float itself. As I understand, no one was running up to this float to get a leaflet.
In terms of danger, then, what is the difference between this activity and the activity of those who had purchased a vendor’s license from the parade committee? Is there some aspect of the leafleters’ actions that has not been brought forth?

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Robert Balliot
15 years ago

It is bigger than just Rhode Island. It is a national security issue. Primary source documents have been known for sometime as a gateway to even more deadly critical thinking skills and a desire to consume more and more historical texts. That along with the potential for papercuts could undermine our entire system of government.

Just say ‘Don’t Know’!

15 years ago

Perhaps the parade committee was speaking historically. The handing out of the Constitution posed quite a danger for our Forefathers back in their time.

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