And the Campaign Announcements Roll On: Tom Sgouros for General Treasurer

From the ProJo’s 7 to 7 News Blog a little while ago; thanks to Andrew for the heads up.

Tom Sgouros publishes a bimonthly newsletter that takes a fresh look at the state’s economic policies; he recently published a book. Now, he is hoping to put his analytical skills to work for the state.
The 48-year-old North Kingstown resident announced Friday that he is seeking the Democratic nomination for general treasurer.
“Innovation informed by good old-fashioned practicality can show us valuable new ways to accomplish the people’s business at the State House,” Sgouros said in a statement. “I am running for general treasurer because I know I can make a difference in the policies, practices and governance of our state at this challenging moment in our history.”

The article goes on to point out that, as Sgouros is the third Dem to express interest in the office, we may be headed for a Democrat primary for General Treasurer next year.

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14 years ago


joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

Tom Sgouros is a regular contributor on RIF.That should tell one something about his political slant.He pushes taxes as a solution for our economic woes.Of course he doesn’t put it that simply,but that’s what it comes down to in the end.

14 years ago

Whoever originally penned that the “road to hell is paved with good intentions,” they surely must have been envisioning those like Tom Sgouros and his run for General Treasurer of Rhode Island.
An obviously thoughtful, well-meaning, and intelligent man who labors tirelessly to gather gobs of economic data, and then through his own political philosophy and methods of interpretation reaches the most absurd, anti-economic, inequitable, and abhorrent policy conclusions imaginable.
Just envision the stereotypical nutty professor who, standing wide-eyed and bewildered before his exploded experiment with hair blown upward and carbon scorched across his dangling glasses exclaims, “Impossible. This isn’t at all supported by my calculations!” Except the experiment will be Rhode Island, and the smoldering mess will be us taxpayers.
Get used to through the roof tax policy proposals (beyond even what they are now) combined with eccentric and misguided big-government solutions to every economic issue before the state, no matter how small. He has stated on multiple occasions over at things to the effect that he believes the free market to be in need of drastic and systematic correction from state government.

Mike Cappelli
Mike Cappelli
14 years ago

Sgouros is living proof how “Liars figure and figures lie.”

14 years ago

Please tell me this is a joke.
PS Now that he has some availability, perhaps Rory Smith could run for General Treasurer instead? Hmmm.

Ragin' Rhode Islander
Ragin' Rhode Islander
14 years ago

Why the downward thumbs on Sgouros?
Consider … with his selective use of data and, shall we say, contextually flexible interpretation of data, in short order the multi-billion dollar unfunded pension and OPEB liabilities will quickly be reported to be in surplus. Problem solved!
Moreover, since Sgouros’ answer to every problem is to tax the rich, and since nearly everyone in Rhode Island will find their taxes increased, Sgouros’ magic will have rendered nearly every Rhode Islander rich, thus greatly reducing the poverty rate.

14 years ago

Living proof that Obama’s success has motivated an entire new generation of empty suits.

14 years ago

Sgouros is a long standing “faculty” member at the Labor Institute…that’s all anyone needs to know to know his policies.
I was disappointed that the Projo did not fully identify him.

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