Letters, Blue and Red
According to Boston resident Dan Flynn, to whom Michelle Malkin links, many residents of that city are still suffering a hangover from their indulgence at the country’s political office party. The slurred speech was not charming, and the promotion was not forthcoming.
Such is the image that comes to mind while perusing the stream of bitter letters to the editor (intraoffice memos, if you will) printed in the Providence Journal. In the latest, Cranston’s Michael Simone inadvertently spurs recollection of the media’s failure in its efforts to overthrow the American regime:
Let’s look at some of the Nov. 20 headlines from The Journal: “Worshipers killed in chaotic raid on mosque”; “Protest erupts in Chile: Bush an unwelcome visitor”; “U.S. charges Iran is racing to make uranium compound”; “6 NATO allies balk at helping U.S. train Iraqi army officers”; “Insurgents threaten nation’s rebuilding, U.S. director says.”
Too true — the relentless stream of bad news for Bush failed to persuade the masses. In fact, its relentlessness became a meme in its own right, hurtling Arthur Chrenkoff to online fame with his “Good News from…” series. In contrast, Bill Carpenter, also of Cranston, believes that deception actually won the day:
It seems the Big Lie has won the battle over truth and common sense for the nation’s loyalty. What further dishonor will the next four years wring from the great deception?
Unfortunately, Mr. Carpenter is referring to the Bush administration, not the likes of (to pick a name at random) Dan Rather. Despite spotlights on phony memos and relatively minor, if tragic or disheartening, stories that might sap the President’s support, as well as the dimmed light with which stories that might hurt John Kerry were approached, Bush’s party increased its share of the government.
One can only presume that the pervasive hatred of Republicans exacerbates apathy and habit to its current degree, at which Fran Brelsford, of Riverside, must actually articulate sage advice for which Rhode Island is dramatic evidence:
Wake up, voters! Being born, living, and dying Democratic does not produce good government. There has to be some balance, to allow a flow of ideas.
Meanwhile Westerly’s Steven Artigas endeavors to explain a principle that may have been missed during snoozes:
Four years after the 2000 election, there is still apparently a sizable contingent of partisans harboring resentment over the outcome. One of the touchstones of this group is the demand that the Electoral College be abolished, in favor of direct elections. If these people were awake during their high-school civics classes, they should recall that the Electoral College serves to increase the clout of those voters who do not live in areas of large population.
In fairness, we should leave open another explanation: no matter how meticulous one’s high school note-taking, it’s difficult to recall civics lessons through a pounding headache.