Images from the Tenth Amendment Rally Today






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14 years ago

500 people there, and you could not get more than 7 in one picture?
Let’s see a crowd shot……must have all been in front of the speakers!

14 years ago

Wonder how many would’ve shown for a 21st Amendment rally?

Timothy from Narragansett
Timothy from Narragansett
14 years ago

A victory for all and much love to Rhode Island!!! You, hmm Are the greatest state in the union!!! Love you till the end!!
Thankyou Anchor Rising for attending an American movement…

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

I stayed for the whole event-I don’t think there were 500 there,but certainly more than the 200 as stated in the Journal article.Probably about 350.
I was asked by a reporter why I was “against” the Federal government.No bias in that question,right?
I simply stated that I was not against the Federal government,but was against that government exceeding the parameters set by the Constitution.
Stuart is rapidly becoming entertainment here.

14 years ago

Actually, Stuart reminds me of the cocktail party scene in “Bonfire of the Vanities”, in which the hosts’ child walks into the party towing his little wagon, and on top of the wagon is his own turd, and he is beaming in anticipation of the non-judgmental praise he expects from his doting parents.
You see, in the community of leftist idiots which is Stuart’s regular milieu, he gets that praise.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

LOL!!Bob N,you’re making a better graphic mind pictures tahn ever.”Stuie and the turd”-a classic.

Proud Dem
Proud Dem
14 years ago

Wonder how many of those same attendees are on some sort of gummint assistance?

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

This was not a rally solely about health care and certainly not solely about Obama.
Obama didn’t introduce the panoply of agencies and Cabinet departments of questionable constitutionality.
He is,however,taking advantage of them to expand Federal power over the states.
Unlike the lockstep robots at Jobs With Justice and Ocean State Action demonstrations,there were many different points of view present.
There were people there I thought were out to lunch.
There was one guy wearing a toy pistol in a holster.I can’t understand the purpose of that.All it does is give some softheaded media types the excuse to start maligning gun owners again.
Most of the speakers were passionate about their opinions,but the was zero racist,violent,or homophobic rhetoric.
In spite of the Stuarts,Jerzyks,Crowleys,and Whitehouses of the world,it’s okay to oppose a President who’s Black,as long as the latter isn’t the reason.It doesn’t make one a racist.
I have a much lower opinion of Whitehouse than of Obama,so,am I anti-White?No,just anti-*sswipe.

Proud Dem
Proud Dem
14 years ago

am assuming Joe will vote the straight Dem ticket if he’s anti *sswipe.

14 years ago

That’s the problem with you Leftists. You can’t see past your own assumptions. Of course it’s difficult when your vision is impaired by having your head up your assumptions.
You might pull it out and take a look at the real world around you. It’s quite a place.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

I vote for candidates of both parties,depending on their issue positions,OK?
Is that hard for you to understand?
Sheldon Whitehouse is a waste of protoplasm.

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