Liveblogging the First Rhode Island Gubernatorial Debate

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13 years ago

And if you don’t watch television like certain of us (ahem), you can live stream from WPRI via the link below.

13 years ago

Moffitt touting a labor endorsement? RINO! LOL

13 years ago

Thank God they didn’t put Block next to Lynch.

Justin Katz
13 years ago

Chafee: We’re average, nationally, on sales and income taxes, but too high on property taxes. Solution? Raise sales taxes.

13 years ago

With six candidates, there’s no flow. No interaction. Unless somebody makes a grievous gaffe, this debate will make no impact.

13 years ago

The only one to support decriminalizing marijuana? Who’d have thought Moffitt was the hophead of the bunch?

13 years ago

Whoa. The last minute June legislative rush will end under a Caprio governorship.

13 years ago

Rhody. Height bigotry. The ACLU will be knocking on your door in the morning.

13 years ago

There’s a clear difference among the Republicans. Moffitt comes across as a quirky, more conservative version of Chafee. Robitaille just comes across as an apologist for Carcieri.

13 years ago

Lynch: ” … as I went from kitchen tables to board room tables”
… to the new job of a recently released felon to slap him on the back.

13 years ago

Does Lynch have friends with water views in Hyannisport, the way he’s hammering on wind power? Ted Kennedy was wrong, and so are you, Patrick.

13 years ago

Agreed…the yes or no questions were a nice touch.
Caprio ignores Lynch and goes after Chafee…no surprise. Smoothest of the bunch. I still need to see a Lynch v. Caprio poll, though.
Chafee plays effective defense. Attack doesn’t come naturally to him…he needs to show the fire in his belly.
Block may get his 5 percent yet…he came across well. Earnest, self-deprecating…still a puzzle to see whose hide his vote comes out of. Nasty campaign helps him.
Moffitt comes across as the more likeable of the Republicans. Robitaille needs to put some distance between himself and Carcieri.

13 years ago

WWWWWWHAT??? Senator Chafee’s first executive move would be to ensure that state contracts go to businesses which hire undocumented immigrants by rescinding e-verify???

13 years ago

Lynch with regard to 401k/403b instead of pensions, paraphrased: Personal responsibility would be devastating to our state.

13 years ago

Lynch on how he would fix the public pension liability:
“To make tougher decisions” and “to give credit to the governor and the legislature for what they did this year” and then to attack Caprio for not responding on something completely unrelated.
How exactly does this fix the pension system?

13 years ago

Ballsy move by Linc. Even as the biggest object of attack, he didn’t go PC (at least the R.I. talk radio version) on it.

13 years ago

On the pension liability, Block did a good job identifying the weaknesses that led to the shortfall but did not say how he would fix the problem.

13 years ago

Ahh, but if we -assume- a return that’s far lower than the Good Times (like my employer just did), you would end up with an -endowment- instead of a -liability-. Imagine -that-!

13 years ago

FYI: I’m a former MET student, going to my ten-year reunion on Saturday. I’ll write back to AR what I see, but I can stand by the place as a life-saving institution. Heck, you had to be -accepted to college- as a graduation requirement!
I think test scores matter much less than the real-life results I expect to see this weekend. I have a feeling that given where we all started from, MET students fare better in life than their peers.
Also, the teachers at that time weren’t even unionized, and I’m not sure if they are now. I think my teacher made in the low thirties.
Anyone with questions can email me and I’ll answer what I can, and I’ll forward the rest to the MET folks.

13 years ago

Safe to say there were no game-changers – everybody was on their best behavior. It wasn’t like an early-stage presidential primary debate where everybody’s trying too aggressively to win the soundbites.

13 years ago

“Lynch: Unicameral legislature and biannual budgeting?!?!?”
Apparently, the AG hasn’t noticed that the General Assembly is currently budgeting twice a year. Even an annual budget would be a stretch, never mind a biannual one.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

Rhody is an apologist for Stuart.
Linc Chafee is an idiot and a miserable excuse for a wannabe Governor.high unemployment and this sh*thead wants to scrap e-verify for state contractors.

13 years ago

Truth in advertising….
Is this “live” blogging or TV blogging?
I didn’t think there was such thing as folks watching TV and then live blogging…after all, if one person can watch, so can others….
Oh, well, new media and all. Now we need folks to watch TV for us and translate….pretty funny, don’t you think?

13 years ago

Can I ask what’s wrong with the unicameral idea? I’ve been saying it for years. Bicameral legislature at the state level makes no sense to me. That’s an example of someone who figures that because they do it at the federal level, they should do it at the state level, but the actual implementation is completely different.
Let’s go with just one, 100 seat legislature.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

Strangely,only Nebraska has a unicameral legislature.It seems to work ok.
Makes real sense.

13 years ago

Bicameral vs unicameral is irrelevant. We need to adopt the NH model of having a very large unpaid ($100/year) legislature representing smaller districts. It needs to be volunteer work to these people instead of a lucrative (side) career and they need to be put back in touch with their actual constituents rather than the special interests who rise to the top. This is the “anti-corruption” model. If Rhode Island ever went the other way and adopted the full-time Massachusetts “corruption” model, there is no question that the state would literally collapse.

Tommy Cranston
Tommy Cranston
13 years ago

Complete farce.
State will continue to be run by noxious Weed, the Fox in the henhouse and the puppetmasters behind them-cronies, communists and union vampires.
Bend over RI and get ready for a 10% sales tax- just like “progressive” California and Shi*cago.

13 years ago

Sales tax increases really do suck……..
However, that conservative bastion of TN has 8.25% and Washington State as high as 9.25%, so I don’t think high sales tax is a liberal plot.
But it really does suck – I think it is the ultimate anti-business tax. It’s one thing to have an even playing field – a VAT everywhere in the country, quite another to pit one state against it’s neighbor in a day and age when we can just go somewhere else to save $$.

13 years ago

“Two houses is twice as many opportunities for deliberation, at both the committee and the floor level. It makes it harder for…”
If that’s the case, then why not 3 houses? Or 4? Why’s 2 the right number?
I don’t buy it. The number of houses of legislature doesn’t matter, what matters is what you suggested later, that we get good and smart legislators who do the job they’re elected to do. That can still be done in a unicameral legislature.

joe benstein
joe benstein
13 years ago

Stuart proabbly wants a VAT ON TOP of income taxes.
Yet he rcoils at my suggestion of a property tax on leisure boats.
What a phony POS.

13 years ago

As always, Mr. Bernstein can be counted upon to offer reasoned analysis and constructiove criticism.
Stuart and I wear the Bernstein appellation of “POS” as a badge of honor.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

You,Rhody aren’t even a POS.You’re a dingleberry with a ponytail.

Tommy Cranston
Tommy Cranston
13 years ago

“However, that conservative bastion of TN has 8.25% ”
Ah Stuart, to err is human, to lie is progressive.
Tennessee has a “zero’ income tax-how’s that for flat!
Plus property taxes a good third of ours.
Here in “progressive” RI the cronies, communists and union vultures already have the sales tax on that luxury item of food at 8% plus you pay more property tax on your average (say Toyota or Ford) new car in Providence than you do on an average house in Tennessee. And things will only get better as the “progressive” pensions for this state’s cronies and union vampires increase exponentially over the next decade.
As Sinatra famously sang-“The Best Is Yet To Come” as the brain-damaged majority keeps pulling the lever for “da party of da workin people”.

13 years ago

Tommy, my man. How is your reading comprehension? We are talking about sales taxes!
And you are correct – I was wrong! The sales tax in most of TN is not 8.25%, it is as below from the state web site:
“What are the state and local sales tax rates in Tennessee?
Generally, the state sales and use tax rate is 7% and the local rate is 2.25%.
That is 9.25%
look it up my friend.
Here are the states that have the highest rates – I see no liberal bias or conservative one:
1 Tennessee 9.35%
2 Louisiana 8.70%
3 Washington 8.45%
4 New York 8.25%
5 Oklahoma 8.15%
6 Alabama 8.00%
7 Arkansas 8.00%
8 California 7.95%
9 Texas 7.95%
10 Arizona 7.80%

13 years ago

I don’t even have to call Bernstein anything anymore to make him sputter like a pro wrestling heel manager. He can’t even sleep at night anymore knowing I inhabit the same state. I (and everyone else Joe hates, some of whom I know personally) don’t even have to make an effort anymore.

13 years ago

Somehow, the more demonic Joe tries to be, the nicer guy he comes across as! I know….that might be a stretch, but I can’t help thinking he knows not what he says……..
Or at least I give him the benefit of the doubt. I actually thinks he likes me…well, not in that way. But he appreciates having a family man and a voice of reason in the conversation…to say nothing that we may be of the same faith! (or mixed faiths)……
Can’t help it. We libs are empathetic.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

Same faith?What is this-a revival meeting?I never discuss faith or religion here-who cares what I believe in that sphere?
I don’t think I share much in the way of lifestyle or conclusions reached with you.We both raised families.We bothe also presumably breathe air.
That’s about it.
I really went off on you about being a Vietnam protester.I can’t let that attitude go,I’m afraid.Too many dead Americans behind that.
We aren’t required to arrive at every attitude we have through a rational approach.Sometimes you just know that something or someone revolts you.
I’m not playing”dozens”here-I am absolutely serious.

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