In Depth
John DePetro and Justin Katz trace the disconnect between what Rhode Island needs and what its politicians keep supplying.
John DePetro and Justin Katz lament the lack of focus on the basics in RI government and media.
John DePetro and Justin Katz wonder whether Rhode Island can withstand deterioration with its current leadership.
Johnston’s challenge gaining access to a neighborhood during emergencies exposes several problems of RI’s way of doing things.
John DePetro and Justin Katz review the ways in which RI’s self-appointed “coach” and self-presumed captains manipulate the “team” of Rhode Islanders.
Reactionary responses to Nikki Haley’s comments about the Confederate flag show the irony of progressive ideology.
John DePetro and Justin Katz go over the slow-rolling perpetual disaster of RI politics and government.
John DePetro and Justin Katz detail gaps in political awareness in RI.
John DePetro and Justin Katz review some of the inauspicious indicators of Rhode Island’s political scene going into the new year.
John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss various fantasies of the ruling class in RI and the U.S.