In Depth

A young figure looks up the stairs in a shadowy building

Don’t allow the trans movement to undermine good parenting.

By Justin Katz | October 6, 2023 |

As public figures establish new norms in keeping with the fashionable ideology of the trans movement, parents have to recall their primary responsibility, even if it means the discomfort of suggesting other parents are wrong.

Justin Katz reviews his Anchor Rising article on mail ballots on In the Dugout

In the Dugout: An Early Red Flag for Mail Ballots

By Justin Katz | October 6, 2023 |

Mike Stenhouse and Justin Katz review the unprecedented mail ballot results of Democrat State Senator Ana Quezada and their implications for RI elections.

The word, "vote," on puppet strings

Rhode Island should study Ana Quezada’s fabulous mail ballot results. (Updated)

By Justin Katz | October 3, 2023 |

State Senator Ana Quezada was a stand-out recipient of mail ballots, with surprisingly targeted support in specific precincts that didn’t spread into in-person votes as should have been expected.

A machine with its screws coming loose

Politics This Week: Loose Screws on the Insider Machine

By Justin Katz | October 2, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz watch as the insider machine becomes increasingly obvious.

A sunken boat surrounded by sharks

Politics This Week: Land of No Chance for Improvement

By Justin Katz | September 25, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz review several of the dead ends to progress in the Ocean State.

The Independent Man facepalms

Politics This Week: Looters in and out of Government

By Justin Katz | September 18, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz review the political talk of the week.

A woman walks in a smokey alley

Politics This Week: Stories of Absolutely No Interest (To the Media)

By Justin Katz | September 11, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz tease out multiple stories that the local media could investigate to generate interest (but probably won’t).

A clam reading a newspaper

Politics This Week: Media and Identity in CD1 and Labor

By Justin Katz | September 6, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss the implications of labor control and CD1 dynamics.

Young adults play volleyball

Politics This Week: RI’s Shift to Democrat Intramurals

By Justin Katz | August 28, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss the indications that RI has moved so far left we’re getting a preview of what those internecine battles look like.

Sabina Matos takes the oath of office.

Politics This Week: Mostly Matos Muddling

By Justin Katz | August 21, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss the RI’s political dance… or stumbling.