Carroll Andrew Morse
Courtesy of Dave Talan, here’s a quick guide to what’s going on, and what’s at stake in tomorrow’s Rhode Island Republican primary…You can vote for any 8 Delegate candidates, anywhere on the ballot, no matter who you vote for for President. Rhode Island is a “Proportional Representation” state. Any Presidential candidate, who gets at least…
9. H7719/H7378/S2757: Changes how debt service is considered in maintenance of effort calculations for school-district budgeting. H7719 would apply to all school districts; the other bills apply only to regional districts (H Finance; Thu, Apr 26 & S Finance; Tue, Apr 24). Also, H7815 would have the maintenance of effort amount in each community determined…
…and to be honest, I only got it down to twenty-one through liberal use of part-A’s and part-B’s. It’s definitely a busy week for disposing of legislation at the RI General Assembly… Local Impact: Coventry 2, Middletown/Newport, North Kingstown, North Providence, Richmond. Local Impact bill of special note: Woonsocket (the supplemental property tax). 21. H7591:…
A top priority for liberals inside of government has become responding to the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United vs. FEC ruling, which prohibits government from banning political speech by corporations when the speech is independent of a campaign organization. Possible responses have come in two flavors. One response (endorsed by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse at the…
Over at the Ocean State Current, Justin has posted both video and a liveblog of Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul’s University of Rhode Island campaign stop that took place last night.
National Review Online‘s Ramesh Ponnuru calls attention to a Pew Research Center for the People and the Press poll which gauged, amongst other things, which groups of Republican voters were most and least certain in their support for Mitt Romney between April 4th and 15th. According to Pew’s survey of Republicans and Republican leaners, self-described…
Republican Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney made a campaign appearance in Warwick today. Justin liveblogged the event at the Ocean State Current. Anthony Gemma announced a Sunday announcement “regarding his political intentions that will positively impact the political, economic, and cultural fates of Rhode Island and, by extension, the United States of America for the foreseeable…
Multiple media sources are reporting that Rick Santorum has suspended his Presidential campaign. An official annoucement is expected soon, if it’s not happening at the moment.
7. S2302: Constitutional amendment providing for 1) four-year terms for state Senators and 2) an 8-year term limit on both Senators and Representatives (S Special Legislation and Veterans Affairs; Wed, Apr 11). As currently written, the amendment would have voters choose an entire Senate class every fourth year starting in 2014. I would humbly suggest…
One set of items on the House Finance agenda very different from anything that has come up in this session so far are labeled officially as “community service grants”, which are being heard at three separate early afternoon hearings this week…Community Service Grants I (H Finance; Wed, Apr 11, 1pm). Community Service Grants II (H…