Carroll Andrew Morse

The Cranston West Banner Can’t be Required to Just Disappear

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 17, 2012 |

If the Cranston West banner has to be destroyed or removed, or if certain words have to be redacted from it, to comply with Judge Ronald Lagueux’s Federal Court decision, there is no reason why a Soviet-style disappearance from history without explanation must occur, or that the public should not be informed that they are…

Who’s Running Central Falls?

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 12, 2012 |

I ask, because it’s really hard to tell from the way the issue of the overnight parking ban played out. In December, Central Falls Receiver Robert Flanders “approved” an ordinance imposing a fine for overnight parking in Central Falls scheduled to take effect this month (though Senator Agostinho Silva’s press releases on the matter have…

Open Thread: Talking Out the Increasingly Probable Romney Nomination

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 10, 2012 |

If Mitt Romney is the Republican nominee for President of the United States, it means…

Romney to Win New Hampshire; No Consensus not-Romney Emerges

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 10, 2012 |

If the New Hampshire primary numbers via CNN as of 9:30, with about half the vote in and all counties at least partially reporting, stay reasonably stable…Mitt Romney will finish first, with somewhere between 35% and 40% of the vote,Ron Paul will finish 2nd somewhere in the 25% range, Jon Huntsman will finish 3rd, with…

Watching the Iowa Caucus Results Come In

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 3, 2012 |

I wasn’t going to do this, but I couldn’t help myself… [9:02] With 8% of precints reporting, according to the AP vote total (reported via ABC News) it’s a dead three-way tie Paul 24% Santorum 23% Romney 23%. [9:05] Up to 10% reporting: Paul 24% Romney 24% Santorum 23%. Perry (5th place) single digits at…

Surprise — Governor Chafee Considering Tax Increases to Balance Next Year’s Budget

By Carroll Andrew Morse | December 30, 2011 |

On the last weekday of 2011, David Klepper of the Associated Press writes what could be the least surprising news story of the year (h/t WPRO News)…As he prepares for his second year in office, Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee is looking for ways to spur the state’s frail economy, rescue its struggling cities and…

Re 3: GOP’s Circular Firing Squad: National (Newt Gingrich) Edition

By Carroll Andrew Morse | December 28, 2011 |

For over half a century now, the norm of American government has been autopilot increases in the size and cost of government. To stop this, before the country goes irreparably broke (if we aren’t there already), someone is going to have to successfully build a consensus around the idea that a different normal is possible.…

Re 2: GOP’s Circular Firing Squad: National (Ron Paul) Edition

By Carroll Andrew Morse | December 28, 2011 |

A key problem with Ron Paul‘s candidacy, indicative of all his others, was by made clear by the biggest unheralded gaffe in the December 15 Sioux City, Iowa Republican Presidential debate, specifically the mess of an answer that Rep. Paul gave on the earmarks he has requested for his district over his Congressional career…The real…

Re: GOP’s Circular Firing Squad: National (Mitt Romney) Edition

By Carroll Andrew Morse | December 28, 2011 |

In a response to Marc’s Presidential primary post from yesterday, commenter Brassband sums up the “electability” case being made for Mitt Romney…To be elected President, a Republican has to be able to appeal to the “persuadable middle” seven or so percent of voters in about seven or eight key states… Romney’s not perfect, but he’s…

Merry Christmas!

By Carroll Andrew Morse | December 25, 2011 |

From Benoit Square; Fairhaven, Massachusetts, in the 2011th year of Our Lord. Photographer’s note: The above picture was taken on the morning of Christmas eve 2011. In the process of taking this picture and a few others, I heard the beeping of several car horns on the road behind me. Turning around “to see what…