Donald B. Hawthorne
Illegal Immigration Bill Timing Delayed: Senate leaders agreed Monday that they would wait until June to take final action on a bipartisan plan to give millions of unlawful immigrants legal status…. Thomas Sowell Newt Gingrich Jonah Goldberg Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin John Fund Michael Barone Wall Street Journal Washington Times
Ann Althouse discusses a New York Times article entitled Putting the Skinned Knees Back Into Playtime in which a popular recent book, The Dangerous Book for Boys, is mentioned. David Elkind writes these words in the Introduction to his new book, Power of Play: How Spontaneous, Imaginative Activities Lead to Happier, Healthier Children: Children’s play…
The Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007. More on how to read/comment on the bill. Anybody want to guess on how many senators will have read this bill closely before the public debate starts early in the new week? With H/T to Instapundit and thanks for NZ Bear for the good…
Discussing the illegal immigrant tax issue highlighted in an earlier post, Mark Steyn – once again – says it better than anyone else: I always thought the requirement in last year’s bill was pretty sweet: You had to pay two out of three years’ back taxes. Most legal Americans would love that deal: Pay any…
Another disgusting piece of information about the US Senate bill on illegal immigration trickles out: The Bush administration insisted on a little-noticed change in the bipartisan Senate immigration bill that would enable 12 million undocumented residents to avoid paying back taxes or associated fines to the Internal Revenue Service, officials said. An independent analyst estimated…
Forget for a minute the philosophical and policy objections to the new illegal immigration bill before the US Senate. Consider how the Senate debate on this enormously important matter is being rushed, as noted by Senator DeMint: The Senate is scheduled to begin debate on the immigration plan this Monday, and yet we still haven’t…
Another U.S. Senate bill on illegal immigration, another disaster in the making. Michelle Malkin is doing her usual good work summarizing thoughts and reactions about the Senate’s new bill. See here and here. (And now here.) Sometimes there is no need to invent new thoughts when prior thoughts say it all: This morning’s publication of…
Building on several earlier postings of reflections here and here, the final throes of unpacking tonight led to the discovery of a quote by the famous portrait photographer Yousuf Karsh cut out of an old Sunday newspaper edition of Parade Magazine – of all things! – from my high school years over 30 years ago,…
Ted was my English teacher in 1971-1972, my junior year in high school. And he was one of four teachers who, over the years, had a profound effect on my life. A high school classmate told me two days ago that Ted had lung cancer and I called him yesterday for the first time in…
From the second chapter of Luke: In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that the whole world should be enrolled. This was the first enrollment, when Quirinius was governor of Syria. So all went to be enrolled, each to his own town. And Joseph too went up from Galilee from the town…