Justin Katz

A Story That Doesn’t Make Sense

By Justin Katz | November 30, 2008 |

Of course one should temper incredulity when addressing the opinions of a college professor who’s written a book on a related topic, but so wrongheaded does Jonathan Stevenson’s assessment of Osama post-Obama seem that it’s difficult to conclude otherwise than that he has an investment of some kind in the wrong argument: ONE OF SEN.…

Terrorism on the Road

By Justin Katz | November 29, 2008 |

We in Rhode Island, along with most people the world over, are spared the even the passing need to believe that terrorism is a real possibility in our daily lives: U.S. authorities warned yesterday that recent intelligence indicates that al-Qaida may be plotting a terrorist attack on the subway or other transit systems in New…

What Does the Melting Pot Purify Out?

By Justin Katz | November 29, 2008 |

Mark Patinkin’s column today is of his one-liner variety, and few are the folks likely to agree or disagree with everything that he writes. This item, however, strikes me as to profound to be left without exploration: From the “It’s a great country” archives: I just saw an ad for a dreidel with a picture…

It’s Always a Matter of “Fairness”

By Justin Katz | November 29, 2008 |

The title of this post refers to the words of Paul Saccoccia, a national rep for the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, who believes that disabled policemen and firefighters in the state pension system should receive pension contributions from their towns when the state doesn’t give them the full amount that they want: Lawyers for…

A Guide for RI

By Justin Katz | November 28, 2008 |

Jonah Goldberg summarizes for the nation the frame of mind that Rhode Island should take in these tough economic times: … rather than blow money on a lavish reenactment of the New Deal, or continue bailing out undeserving corporations, why not really think outside the box? Rep. Louie Gohmert (R., Texas) suggests an across-the-board reprieve…

Pausing History for a Day

By Justin Katz | November 27, 2008 |

In the way that notions are stirred into the culture, like pollen dissipating into the air, the Tolstoyan view of individuals’ cumulative construction of history has been working its way again through the world of commentary. Our lives go on, and history follows. It occurred to me, looking at four generations of my family at…

Dictating Your Behavior: Specific and Target Action; Changing Theirs: We’ll Get to That

By Justin Katz | November 27, 2008 |

Let’s just say that Elizabeth Roberts’s efforts to increase economic activity in Rhode Island aren’t very inspiring, not the least because they begin on the wrong side of the equation: WITH RHODE ISLAND’S economy in recession, joblessness approaching double digits and our small businesses bearing the brunt of the downturn, we all have a role…

Thankful for… Bankruptcy

By Justin Katz | November 27, 2008 |

On last night’s Matt Allen show, Don explained why bankruptcy isn’t such a frightening thing — and far preferable to business restructuring as performed by congressional Democrats. Stream by clicking here, or download it.

In a Drought, Open the Floodgates

By Justin Katz | November 26, 2008 |

For a moment, I thought I might have my first strong agreement with Anthony DiBella: It’s nice that EDC can spend some time attracting new or fashionable companies and industries, but it behooves our economic planners to be cognizant of our competencies and competitive advantages. Courting high-tech firms to come to Rhode Island may feel…

Not the Way to Arrive at a Salary

By Justin Katz | November 26, 2008 |

By far the most interesting audio from last night’s Tiverton School Committee meeting, in my opinion, was Vice Chairwoman Sally Black’s reasoning for voting to approve the teachers’ contract (stream, download) because the thought processes are indicative of the flawed way in which Rhode Islanders have conducted their public business. Mrs. Black cycled through a…