Justin Katz

Looking for the Bottom

By Justin Katz | November 22, 2008 |

So what level of unemployment do you think Rhode Island is really going to hit? The latest jobs report is grim even in light of the economic forecast released yesterday by the nonprofit New England Economic Partnership. The NEEP economists predicted that during the next two years, Rhode Island would lose nearly 15,000 more jobs…

Robin Hood Government Isn’t an Economic Stimulus

By Justin Katz | November 21, 2008 |

Bryant University Assistant Professor of Economics Edinaldo Tebaldi steps around an important consideration with the following: During recessions, the government often acts as a “buffer” to help revive the economy, Tebaldi said, by increasing spending to generate jobs and boost economic activity. But state government is actually “doing the opposite” by cutting personnel and programs…

This Right, That Right, Who’s Right?

By Justin Katz | November 21, 2008 |

So, John Henke warns social-religious conservatives of electoral apocalypse should they excise libertarians: Social conservatives have to realize that they need the fiscally conservative, socially moderate/tolerant voters if they want to be a part of a winning coalition. The limited government message won revolutionary victories for Republicans in 1980 and 1994; it is the only…

For Whom the Bell Chimes

By Justin Katz | November 21, 2008 |

Per his usual participation, msteven makes a fair and reasonable point: The truth is that marriage is and always has been open to opposite-sex couples that are not open to children. I agree that the issue isn’t JUST about the acceptance of homosexuality, and that allowing SSM is a significant change to the historical definition…

Change You Can Believe In… Because You’ve Already Seen It

By Justin Katz | November 20, 2008 |

So here comes good ol’ Tom Daschle back to the government, this time in Obama’s cabinet: Barack Obama is enlisting former Senate leader Tom Daschle as his health secretary, embracing a third Washington insider in the early stages of Cabinet-building by the president-elect who promised change. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the capital’s most famous woman for…

The Straight Ticket Conversation

By Justin Katz | November 20, 2008 |

Marc took the air with Matt Allen, last night and talked straight ticket voting. Stream by clicking here, or download it.

In and Out of Town Government

By Justin Katz | November 20, 2008 |

I don’t know the rules in Hopkinton, so I can’t comment on Bill Felkner’s ejection from the Chariho School Committee dais on the grounds that he’s also a Hopkinton Town Council member, but it seems to me there must be some laws permitting him to sit in the audience of a public meeting: Bill Felkner,…

Out of the Hole

By Justin Katz | November 20, 2008 |

I’m a little delayed in posting it, but during last week’s Anchor Rising spot on the Matt Allen Show, Andrew explained just how daunting is the problem of bringing the Rhode Island government within its budget. Stream by clicking here, or download it.

Surprise! You’re Union.

By Justin Katz | November 19, 2008 |

Thomas Wigand, a labor lawyer and well-known personage on the Rhode Island right, describes for the Providence Business News just what the Employee Free Choice Act would mean: This new legislation is called the “Employee Free Choice Act.” Some have opined that the name is “Orwellian,” for EFCA quashes “free choice” by effectively eliminating secret…

What It’s About

By Justin Katz | November 19, 2008 |

Fr. John Kiley offers a clarification of purpose on the marriage issue: What must be maintained at this time, however, is that Christians and other persons of good will have as their primary focus the defense of marriage. As peripheral to Christianity as same-sex activities are, it is not primarily a struggle against homosexuality that…