Justin Katz

The Judiciary as Impediment to Compromise

By Justin Katz | October 18, 2008 |

A recent editorial from National Review highlights one of the procedural detriments that has been advanced in conjunction with the cause of a progressive marriage regime: … Connecticut, at least, decided the matter democratically. Those people who objected could try to persuade their fellow citizens to repeal the law. Now Connecticut’s supreme court has decided…

Blocking Education Reform

By Justin Katz | October 18, 2008 |

Putting aside the pun in this post’s title (on the grounds that I couldn’t resist it), Moderate Party Chairman Ken Block’s prescription for education reform in Rhode Island offers some worthy suggestions: Provide life skills courses to non-college-tracked children. … Let uncertified professionals who are content experts teach in our schools. … Ban the practice…

Fighting the RI Machine

By Justin Katz | October 18, 2008 |

My return to the Providence Journal editorial pages today offers a synopsis of recent establishment v. reform events in Tiverton, with the suggestion that, since the powers who be are interconnected across the state, so should the reformers be aware of and cooperate with each other: There seems to be little reason for residents of…

Ah, the Years to Come

By Justin Katz | October 18, 2008 |

The forces of tolerance strike again: While the Democrat-leaning media continues to scare undecided voters with bedtime stories about some mythical angry McCain supporter whom nobody has seen, here is a real district attorney’s complaint documenting an unprovoked assault by an enraged Democrat against a McCain volunteer in midtown Manhattan: “Defendant grabbed the sign [informant]…

To Democrats, “Cutting” Taxes Means Not Raising Them

By Justin Katz | October 18, 2008 |

Surprisingly, here’s a point I haven’t heard made: One thing: the 95% number is fundamentally dishonest because I’m pretty sure it measures against the CBO baseline — which assumes all of the ’01 and ’03 tax cuts expire in 2010. Politically, that’s nonsense. But it allows Obama to count extending the politically popular Bush tax…

The Mainstreaming of Taibbi

By Justin Katz | October 17, 2008 |

Whenever Matt Taibbi’s name appears on my computer screen, I pause for a moment to regret that the mainstream has apparently been moving toward him. The first time it happened was in February 2003, when Projo blogger Sheila Lennon gushed over his raw freshness. At the time, I wondered whether it wasn’t a bit unseemly…

The Palin Effect with an Exclamation Point

By Justin Katz | October 17, 2008 |

I’ve had the same reaction to the investigation of Joe the Plumber that Don noted earlier this morning. It’s frightening, and one gets the sense that it’s a taste of what would be to come (perhaps outside of public view) were Obama to be elected. One wonders whether the stage was set by the American…

Healthcare Intrigue

By Justin Katz | October 17, 2008 |

Granted, they devoted some time to debate talk, but it says something encouraging that Andrew and Matt Allen actually pushed past the time slot on Wednesday to further discuss healthcare. I, for one, would have liked a whole hour of that conversation. Stream by clicking here, or download it.

Explanations on the Other Side of the Coin

By Justin Katz | October 15, 2008 |

I caught a snippet of U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse on WPRO this morning remarking on the great mystery of Rhode Island’s horrible economy. Paraphrasing: “I don’t think anybody knows why it’s so bad. We should be in the middle of the pack.” Well, perhaps such outcomes are puzzling when the actual explanation is ruled out…

Who’s Got the Solutions?

By Justin Katz | October 15, 2008 |

There’s something peculiar about the tack that the incumbents of Tiverton are taking against Tiverton Citizens for Change (TCC) — implying some shadowy intention to be vague about our agenda. We have no solution, they say, and it doesn’t require much political savvy to imagine their fingers twitching in anticipation that we’ll offer something up…