Justin Katz

Lessons in the Muck

By Justin Katz | October 8, 2008 |

To the surprise of few readers, I’m sure, after just the first quarter, Rhode Island is now more than $50 million behind its budget. (I’ll stick with my $150 million prediction for the mid-year review.) There is, however one interesting bit of information in the disheartening revenue picture (emphasis added): The state derives its revenues…

A Welcome Idea

By Justin Katz | October 8, 2008 |

I can’t say I’ve got a problem with this: So you think junior is a little too lead-footed when he drives the family car? Starting next year, Ford Motor Co. will give you the power to do something about it. The company will roll out a new feature on many 2010 models that can limit…

It’s Your Duty to Pay More

By Justin Katz | October 7, 2008 |

In principle, the “buy local” attitude is wonderful, but would it have been too much for state Representative Richard Singleton (I, Cumberland) to spare a sentence or two urging his fellow legislators to take a look at any policies that encourage the “strange attitude” of shopping elsewhere? Unlike the tired rhetoric we hear from some…

A Timely Question

By Justin Katz | October 6, 2008 |

With the economic downturn still in the news while a fresh wave of “saying he’s inevitable makes it true” passes through the opinion world, one question comes to mind: How does a family prepare for a Great Depression? Keeping in mind that I’m an optimist on religious grounds, that particular trajectory carries fair odds with…

Partisan Spin, or Something Else?

By Justin Katz | October 6, 2008 |

Does Froma Harrop even try to understand the other side? A couple of columns ago, she laid the entire economic crisis at the feet of Phil Gramm, and now, she dismisses a contrary explanation by reducing it to one component: ACCOMPLISHED GOOGLERS can probably find the original talking points off which dozens of conservatives have…

Back with a Bullet

By Justin Katz | October 5, 2008 |

It seemed as if Mark Steyn took a hiatus from regular punditry, and it’s good to have him back: By contrast, Senator Biden was glib and fluent and in command of the facts — if by “in command of the facts” you mean “talks complete blithering balderdash and hogwash.” He flatly declared that Obama never…

A Quick Question on Granting Power

By Justin Katz | October 5, 2008 |

Why does my Sunday newspaper inform me that “an American member of al-Qaida… taunted Americans over their economic crisis” in a half-hour video? That’s quite a reward of notoriety for a twenty-nine-year-old terrorist based on little more than a dull YouTube rant.

Second Chances for Incumbents

By Justin Katz | October 5, 2008 |

Yeah, it’s not difficult to see where this is going: In a court-ordered recount yesterday, victories by Michael J. Pinga and Erin C. Lynch were upheld by the Board of Elections, but state Sen. Stephen D. Alves’ quest to retain his seat on Smith Hill isn’t over just yet. After already recounting the votes from…

Rhody Politics at the Local Level: Use Their Fairness Against Them

By Justin Katz | October 4, 2008 |

To be clear, I don’t speak for Tiverton Citizens for Change with what follows (or, really, in any sanctioned sense). However, I do have some insight into the group’s candidate-endorsement process, which may be summarized with two words: fair and open. Every candidate received a questionnaire specific to the position that he or she sought,…

Another Direction for Wealth Redistribution

By Justin Katz | October 4, 2008 |

This has to stick in the craw of anybody who’s struggling to make monthly housing payments and considers continued employment to be a month-to-month thing (emphasis added): Carcieri immediately put legislative leaders on notice of the likely need to borrow from the state-run disability-insurance fund earlier in the state’s budget year than anyone could recall.…