Justin Katz

A Coalition of One

By Justin Katz | September 29, 2008 |

On what grounds are the first two groups included on this list: Health care workers, small-business owners and unions are especially concerned about that prospect. A new group, the Coalition for Our Communities, has raised $1.3 million, about $1 million of that from national teachers’ unions, and plans television advertisements and direct mail campaigns against…

The Unspoken Roadblock

By Justin Katz | September 29, 2008 |

Something still isn’t making sense, for me, from a Friday article on RIPEC’s study of RI education: RIPEC has released a report entitled Education in Rhode Island 2008 that is chock-a-block with data, and it reinforces RIPEC’s standing message that lagging student performance does not reflect the size of the investment. And yet (emphasis added):…

A Little Charity Is All It Takes.

By Justin Katz | September 28, 2008 |

I’ve been neglectful in not responding to requests from the International Medical Corps to direct Anchor Rising readers to the American Express Members Project via which American Express members can vote for a charity to receive up to $1.5 million. My understanding is that IMC is currently #5 on the list, which makes it eligible…

Re: Sarah Palin, revisited

By Justin Katz | September 27, 2008 |

We’ve all seen movies or TV shows in which the unlikely, different-from-the-norm character somehow acquires a position of influence. (For some reason the mid-’80s classics Brewster’s Millions and Protocol spring to mind.) And it always seems so utterly natural when they convey their charmingly naive selves with perfect ease when the plot puts them before…

The Familiar Ring of Fascism

By Justin Katz | September 26, 2008 |

Something from a recent David Brooks column ought to sound familiar: The government will be much more active in economic management (pleasing a certain sort of establishment Democrat). Government activism will provide support to corporations, banks and business and will be used to shore up the stable conditions they need to thrive (pleasing a certain…

The Tone of the Incumbent

By Justin Katz | September 25, 2008 |

The other evening, an older gentleman in Tiverton told me of his experience working in town government with Tiverton Town Council President Louise Durfee… during the Nixon administration. Well, the heiress apparently sees something of concern in Tiverton Citizens for Change, because she took out a big advertisement in the Sakonnet Times this week, the…

Investors’ Nerves

By Justin Katz | September 25, 2008 |

The Providence Journal’s in-print lead for this Business section story yesterday about the bailout: Investors are nervous about apparent resistance to the plan in Congress. My initial reaction: Good. Maybe next time they’ll be nervous about apparently risky business ventures.

Of Economics, Leadership, and Debate

By Justin Katz | September 25, 2008 |

I took the Anchor Rising Slot with with Matt Allen on 630AM/99.7FM WPRO last night to talk about John McCain’s return to work, this week, and Barack Obama’s pledge to debate. Stream by clicking here, or download it.

Extortion Is a Heavy Burden

By Justin Katz | September 24, 2008 |

Personally, I dislike government reliance on gambling for revenue, but this is emblematic of a mindset: OUT OF EVERY DOLLAR lost at Twin River, the state gets approximately 61 cents. If expectations panned out, the state would get $254 million from Twin River this year. In June, the owners offered the state $500 million upfront…

Fourth-Hand Opinions on a Complicated Topic

By Justin Katz | September 23, 2008 |

The eye-opening thing is how many people believe that something as extensive as the current financial crisis can be analyzed simply and placed at the door of a particular political party — even a particular individual! By the time one gets to such specific and flatly stated explanations as Froma Harrop’s, it is likely that…