Justin Katz

A System of Scapegoats

By Justin Katz | May 3, 2008 |

Although I haven’t yet managed to get a handle on the realistic role and responsibilities of Rhode Island’s Economic Development Corporation (EDC), I can’t help but feel that a little outrage on the part of its president, Saul Kaplan in response to legislative hammering: Lawmakers yesterday demanded answers from Rhode Island’s Economic Development Corporation about…

Engaged Citizens and In-Group Activists

By Justin Katz | May 1, 2008 |

As commenter Will noted in response to Marc’s post, Matt Jerzyk thought it worth pointing out something that surely we all noticed (indeed, on which we three mused when the photographer told us that he’d be shooting the RI Future gang the following night): that the Phoenix photos buck left/right stereotypes. In that quality, however,…

Supplemental Budget a Go

By Justin Katz | May 1, 2008 |

The RI Senate has approved the supplemental budget, largely in the form that the governor proposed. I haven’t had the time to figure out this, though: The plan restores $5 million of the $7 million the governor had proposed to eliminate for the Neighborhood Opportunities Program, which supports affordable housing initiatives. That funding will go…

Indicative of Obviousness

By Justin Katz | May 1, 2008 |

Times are so dark — and the general thrust of the solution so obvious — that special interests and other general-revenue soakers can’t even escape to the Lifebeat section for relief. Credit goes to Rita Lussier for using her influence for the cause of sanity: Not to alarm you, but this situation is a ticking…

World Famous in Rhode Island

By Justin Katz | April 30, 2008 |

Ian Donnis has a piece in this week’s Providence Phoenix exploring the RI blogging scene. The picture of Marc, Andrew, and me having coffee at Starbucks — I hasten to note — is contrived propaganda. It was raining, and we couldn’t do the shoot on an aircraft carrier in Newport, so we followed the photographer’s…

A Difference of Ballast

By Justin Katz | April 30, 2008 |

Yes, unless Ben Stein didn’t simply neglect to enunciate a qualifier (such as the one that I’ve inserted in the following quotation) in which he actually believes, then he may, as Glenn Reynolds puts it, have “completely lost it”: When we just saw that man, I think it was Mr. Myers, talking about how great…

Pure Politics as Usual

By Justin Katz | April 30, 2008 |

It is simply not possible that a reasonable person acting out of a desire for mutual, productive dialog could attempt to paint an extremely recent executive order pertaining to illegal immigration from a relatively powerless governor as a contributing factor in our current economic crisis. The strategy is transparent and disturbing: push policies that benefit…

Voting for Your Family

By Justin Katz | April 30, 2008 |

I’ve been saying for years that we with eyes to see should attempt to explain to our fellow Rhode Islanders that their voting habits must change if they wish to keep their families together. A vote for the same old legislators is a vote for your son or daughter to move out of state in…

Mitigating the College Oversell

By Justin Katz | April 30, 2008 |

Our society appears to be in the process of deciding that college oughtn’t be a foregone conclusion for every young American. Indeed, Marty Nemko calls the Bachelor’s degree “America’s Most Overrated Product”: Even worse, most of those college dropouts leave the campus having learned little of value, and with a mountain of debt and devastated…

So Many Ways to Go Wrong

By Justin Katz | April 29, 2008 |

Welcome to the small-world reality of gay Westerner commercial baby creation outsourced to the third world: Yonatan Gher and his partner, who are Israeli, plan eventually to tell their child about being made in India, in the womb of a stranger, with the egg of a Mumbai housewife they picked from an Internet lineup. The…