Justin Katz

Fewer Loans Means Fewer Borrowers

By Justin Katz | April 5, 2008 |

Opinions are split concerning the significance of plummeting federally backed loans to small businesses in Rhode Island: “There is capital available today that you can access without the [SBA] guarantees,” said Kenneth B. Martin, executive vice president and director of business banking for the bank’s parent, Citizens Financial Group. “That is typically the case when…

Immigration Disconnect

By Justin Katz | April 4, 2008 |

“Fear grips immigrant community in wake of Carcieri’s executive order” screams the headline of a Rhode Island Catholic story that doesn’t appear to be online. For all of the talk about divisiveness, I’d wager that there’s a fundamental disconnect from side to side in reaction to such details as this: The undocumented people who are…

Out of the Din

By Justin Katz | April 4, 2008 |

Throughout my adult years, I’d never so much as considered sending my children to private school (parochial or otherwise) until very recently. Even my particular tincture of religious faith leads me strongly to feel that spending one’s formative years among a cross-section of the local society — an opportunity that my own experience led me…

“Un pueblo unido no mas sera vencido!”

By Justin Katz | April 4, 2008 |

Whoa. Listen to the audio provided on the Providence Journal page to which Monique links in the previous post. The above quoted line — used to rally momentary resistance to police instructions — is sounding more and more like a threat than encouragement: Outside the State House, [Providence City Councilman Miguel Luna] said, “When you…

The Success of the Father

By Justin Katz | April 3, 2008 |

Not to pick on Linc, but it must sting somewhere deep down to know that, after years as a U.S. Senator, more years as an Ivy League professor, and now as an author with a new book out, his opinion remains of public interest more with reference to what his father’s opinion would have been:…

What the Numbers Show

By Justin Katz | April 3, 2008 |

Unfortunately, neither Community Catalyst nor RIte Care Works, the author and promoter respectively, seem interested in providing the full details behind a press release from The Clarendon Group that appears to support the conclusion that every dollar of RI government money taken from RIte Care comes with a 12¢ cost in economic activity but save…

Charity with Other People’s Money

By Justin Katz | April 2, 2008 |

When things go wrong for people, society ought at least to weight the costs of helping, even when the problems are wrapped up in the esoteric complexities of modern finance, but when I read news like this, I can’t help but wonder from where the money’s coming: The legislation is likely to draw on elements…

What the Kids Are Learning

By Justin Katz | April 2, 2008 |

One hesitates to make too much of isolated incidents, but then again, this isn’t but so unusual a story these days, except for the decreasing age and increasing numbers: A group of third-graders plotted to attack their teacher, bringing a broken steak knife, handcuffs, duct tape and other items for the job and assigning children…

A Raise over a Coworker

By Justin Katz | April 2, 2008 |

The budget passed at the last Tiverton School Committee meeting — largely reflecting the latest teacher contract proposed — included the loss of only one teaching position from the payrolls. Prior to that, the district had sent out thirty-four non-renewal notices. Apparently, three-quarters of the teachers are willing to accept the risk (and probable sacrifice)…

Off the Island

By Justin Katz | April 2, 2008 |

John Derbyshire’s “March Diary” has much with which Rhode Islanders might sympathize, and that makes one wonder whether forswearing the “island” in our name mightn’t be a step in the right direction. The following is from a reader’s letter: I see you’ve got the “New York Funk”. I was born and raised in NYC, and…