Justin Katz

Can’t Teach an Old Media New Tricks, Either

By Justin Katz | November 3, 2007 |

Glenn is right that this isn’t exactly surprising news, but it’s worth remembering from time to time throughout the egregiously extended campaign season: Just like so many reports before it, a joint survey by the Project for Excellence in Journalism and Harvard’s Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy — hardly a…

A Cornucopia of Veto Overrides

By Justin Katz | October 31, 2007 |

My emailbox is aflood with announcements of the General Assembly’s overrides of Governor Carcieri’s latest vetos. Not a single press release contains the phrase “failed to override.” Some highlights of the GA’s actions-by-override: Created another voice for established players to govern healthcare in Rhode Island — a Health Care Planning and Accountability Advisory Council —…

A Fallacy of Fallacies

By Justin Katz | October 30, 2007 |

Putting aside his petty complaints that Dan Yorke and Lori Drew interrupted him on the radio (but noting that I heard him interrupting Ms. Drew moments before chastising her for doing the same), this aspect of John McNally’s thoughts on his appearance on Dan Yorke’s show relates to a question that I’ve had since first…

Lessons Beyond Reading… and Administration

By Justin Katz | October 30, 2007 |

The truth — unfortunate or fortunate — is that I read much more explicit, more sexually descriptive texts for school work than Will Clarke’s “How to Kill a Boy That No One Liked” (PDF sample courtesy of Dan Yorke), including, for example, books by Stephen King in which not a few young fellas likely knew…

Making It Your Job to Stay Healthy

By Justin Katz | October 29, 2007 |

The economics of changing insurance rates based on demonstration of a healthy lifestyle are simply to understand. Still, do we really wish to make it the responsibility of employers to enforce those lifestyles? [State Health Insurance Commissioner Christopher F.] Koller explained that HEALTHpact was created, at the direction of Governor Carcieri and the General Assembly,…

Outside of Everywhere

By Justin Katz | October 29, 2007 |

Not being a connoisseur of biographies, I’m finding G. Wayne Miller’s series on Roman Catholic Bishop of Providence Thomas Tobin more interesting than I expected. One result has been a new resolve to pay closer attention, and perhaps submit writing, to the diocesan newspaper, Rhode Island Catholic. That being the case, I’m not sure what…

Chartering Citizen Negotiations

By Justin Katz | October 28, 2007 |

I see that the Tiverton Charter Review Commission, formed to take a closer look at the town’s practice of financial town meetings and propose changes on the November 2008 ballot, has also taken up a possible change that I pondered last month: Another suggestion would have the town return to partisan elections. According to that…

An Unworldly Association of Statistics

By Justin Katz | October 28, 2007 |

These are curious statistics to compare: To put the roughly one-third who believe in ghosts and UFOs in perspective, it’s about the same as, in recent AP-Ipsos polls, the 36 percent who said they are baseball fans; the 37 percent who said the U.S. made the right decision to invade Iraq; and the 31 percent…

Crossword Clue (Seven Letters): Whites, by Definition

By Justin Katz | October 28, 2007 |

It’s been clear that the sort of thought that the Providence Journal editorial board criticizes has been permeating university faculty halls for decades: The Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence has been making use of a handbook called “dismantling racism 2006” put together by a consultancy called Dismantling Racism Works. Here’s a passage: “Racism =…

The Left Comes ‘Round Right?

By Justin Katz | October 28, 2007 |

Perhaps owing to a natural affinity for arguments that put the United States in a stumbling-behemoth light, retired ABC leftist, Bristol photographer, and occasional Providence Journal op-ed contributor Jerry Landay makes some points with which I agree: … Breakdown, [social scientist Leopold Kohr] stated [in the 1950s], is the product of social organs that implode…