Justin Katz
It would seem that Kiersten Marek has misunderstood my impetus for considering private schools for my children. Citing a study by the Center on Education Policy that finds “no evidence that private schools actually increase student performance,” she notes: Over at Anchorrising.com, self-declared union-hater Justin Katz is wondering if he should send his children to…
You’ll note the new ad at left for the College Republican Federation of Rhode Island. Click on over to see what they’re up to these days. We rightward Rhode Islanders are always worrying that our opportunities are limited to change the way in which things are done here (and thought here), and it increasingly seems…
Among the qualities from which I recoiled during last night’s school committee meeting in Tiverton was the teachers’ apparent enthusiasm for playing the unionist role. I’m simultaneously amused and discouraged to learn that they have actually gotten so much into it that the union itself is having to do some reining in: Last week, Rearick…
I wish more parents and townspeople attended these school committee meetings, because were more to witness the behavior of the unionists (one hesitates to speak of them principally as teachers), I’ve little doubt that support for them would evaporate even more rapidly than it is currently doing. The committee discussed volunteers for various extracurricular activities,…
Patrick Crowley took the podium making his case for the teachers’ to be paid for striking, and I can see that the teachers, at least those in attendance, are not but so embarrassed by his antics. He began his presentation by insisting that he be able to cross examine administrators. The committee’s lawyer stated that…
The number of cars in the parking lot of the Tiverton High School was surprising and forced me to park way out in a dark lot. The girls’ basketball game accounts for much of that, but the school committee meeting is the most heavily attended that I’ve seen yet. So far all is proceeding without…
So conditioned have we become to the materialist construction that we find it surprising when somebody suggests that our bodies — even our brains — are something more than time bombs waiting to betray our spirits: A surprising study of elderly people suggests that those who see themselves as self-disciplined, organized achievers have a lower…
John Podhoretz, who has been playing the Stop Hillary tune since before it made the charts (and giving her candidacy the tone of inevitability from before the first notes), doesn’t get those enigmatic conservative religiosos: The conduct of Religious Right leaders has been entirely baffling. They’ve have several candidates they could have rallied around as…
I have to admit to being somewhat astonished, Michael, at your protestation that the American worker is at the rock bottom of exploitation. Perhaps I’ve been distracted by the sheer volume of consumer goods that workers are able to afford. By their lengthening life spans. By their expanding educations. It is true that I lean…
Readers who have never gained the insight that comes with wearing a blue collar more extensively than for part-time teenager jobs might benefit from some explanation of the way in which incentives work in that world — specifically in residential construction. The boss wishes to make money and expand his business, both of which require,…