Justin Katz
Helen Glover feels for Stephen Alves, in a way similar to this frightening guy’s feelings for Britney Spears.
This definitely has a very Rhode Island ring to it: When a family-owned Pennsylvania trucking company announced plans early this year to build a New England distribution center in Johnston and create 120 well-paying jobs, Governor Carcieri and Mayor Joseph M. Polisena hailed it as an economic triumph. But when tax-incentive legislation to help lure…
Mark Patinkin’s hypothetical auction summary for Rhode Island (as in auctioning off the state) had me laughing out loud yesterday: Founded 371 years ago by a difficult cast of characters expelled from neighboring states, it was the first of 13 colonies to renounce the crown. It later became the last to ratify the Constitution. This…
No doubt there are some who’ve shoved this story in their “Bush’s eyes off the terrorist ball” file folders, but I see it as further evidence that the end game cannot be otherwise than a transformation of the entire region: A suicide bomber wearing an Afghan military uniform detonated his concealed explosive vest near a…
I hate to say it, but I’ll be looking for Garry Kasparov to have a horrible chess accident during the next few months: The former world chess champion Garry Kasparov entered Russia’s presidential race on Sunday, elected overwhelmingly as the candidate for the country’s beleagured opposition coalition. Kasparov has been a driving force behind the…
I thought of A. Douglas, from Providence, today: This past summer has been the bloodiest summer of the war for U.S. soldiers; Iraqi deaths from sectarian violence have doubled this year; and there is no political progress in Iraq. This is not a policy that deserves more time. It is way beyond the time to…
Ed Kinane must be so proud: Iran’s parliament voted Saturday to designate the CIA and the U.S. Army as “terrorist organizations,” a largely symbolic response to a U.S. Senate resolution seeking a similar designation for Iran’s Revolutionary Guards. The parliament said the Army and the CIA were terrorists because of the atomic bombing of Japan;…
The phrase “useful idiot” comes to mind, and as disinclined as I am to further its reach, an op-ed by Ed Kinane in today’s Providence Journal — “The U.S., not Iran, is the terrorist nation” — is simply too stunning (if predictable) not to note: This drumbeat of war displays a grotesque double standard. Who…
Westerly Sun reporter Chris Keegan has answered, via email, my question about the complaint that the NEA’s Peter Gingras filed with the State Labor Relations Board against Bill Felkner. Apparently, Gringas specifically mentioned Felkner’s blog during a phone conversation with Keegan. In other words — although I don’t know whether any penalties exist for doing…
Although it’s wise to hesitate before giving too much weight to one exchange and one piece of writing, I’m very encouraged that my general approach to movement politics appears to have resonated with Randy Jackvony (pixellation victim): I asked another blogger, Justin Katz of www.anchorrising.com, what he thought about political discourse over the Internet. His…