Justin Katz
In my haste to get up this morning’s post before my foreman arrived on the jobsite, I messed up Mr. Cort’s first name, and it occurred to me that it might be prudent to let it be known upfront, before I begin meeting more people from around Rhode Island, that I’m horrible with names. If…
Upon reflection, I was unfairly dismissive of Mayor Laffey’s comments with respect to Giuliani. Rudy did wonderful things in NYC long before 9/11 made his a household name, but when it comes to the presidency, the social issues are a dealbreaker for me. A Republican president like Giuliani would be disastrous for the culture that…
Mayor Laffey (on chair) supporting Rudy Giuliani because, essentially, he saw 9/11 first-hand: Andrew interviewing RI Republican Party chair Gio Cicione: And here’s the NBC reporter (Brian Crandall) whom we’re scooping (and who declined my outstretched hand when I introduced myself to him a few minutes ago) doing the same: And lastly, here’re the straw-poll…
The beautiful location of the South County Republican event that I’m currently attending isn’t the best for my poor phone/camera, but pictures may be of interest as I begin a trial of involvement in local politics. Here’s RI House minority leader Bob Watson speaking in favor of John McCain: And here’s Andrew chatting with Mayor…
I always try to remember, when stuck in traffic, that my predicament is often the result of a situation that far outweighs inconvenience. How many hours of commute time would one prefer to being personally involved in a situation such as this: An off-duty Portsmouth police officer has been identified as the driver who struck…
Kiersten Marek offers what might be thought of as the social worker’s response to Friday’s cris de coeur, and I’m not sure she’s understood my complaints or my worries. Most starkly, as I explained in the comments to my post, I do not blame Rhode Island’s politico-economic environment — much less the people who take…
Commenter Rhody gets to the heart of liberal/Democrat Catholics’ rationalizations with respect to what their faith is supposed to encompass and what their politics are supposed to require: When a Catholic is elected to public office, he or she is representing everyone in the district, not just Catholics (the crucial distinction JFK made). If a…
Just as I came up on the traffic, I heard a radio report of a serious accident on East Main Road in Portsmouth, so I turned around and switched over to West Main. Well, this is what I encountered there: The question is: Did WPRO mix up East and West, or is this just what…
As I said, leaving Rhode Island is certainly an option, but it’s one that comes with costs that I’m not sure I can manage. I’ve also been inclined to stick it out and fight adversity. As do many Rhode Islanders, I’ve got a bit of thinking to do. As a pretty basic assumption, the place…
This week, I lost over a third of my income owing to a corporate layoff. I can’t blame the Massachusetts research company for which I’ve worked for nearly a decade, because it is just trying to do what it deems necessary to survive, and to be honest, I welcome the opportunity to reshuffle the deck.…