Justin Katz

The Echo in Crescendo

By Justin Katz | February 12, 2007 |

I won’t address John St. Lawrence’s letter to the Providence Journal on the merits, because (frankly) finding them would require a creativity that I lack. I will, however, observe that such overt anti-Americanism seems to be in resurgence, lately. Is it that Democrats’ recent successes have signaled the end of obligatory “sensitiveness” post–September 11? Or…

On Seriousness and Incentives

By Justin Katz | February 12, 2007 |

Although I’ll resist the temptation to offer snarky comments about the qualities of “serious” columnists, I will acknowledge that they aren’t apparent in Froma Harrop’s lunge into the minimum wage debate: There is a conservative worldview that people who don’t make serious money aren’t serious people. Economic incentives are for entrepreneurs. For the low-of-wage, you…

Growing Up from Google

By Justin Katz | February 11, 2007 |

Glenn Reynolds notes another incident of the sort that, in aggregate, have led me away from Google when I, um, google: The Google property has recently banned the popular atheist commentator Nick Gisburne. Gisburne had been posting videos with logical arguments against Christian beliefs; but when he turned his attention to Islam (mirror of Gisburne’s…

On the Same Text-Book Page as the Projo

By Justin Katz | February 11, 2007 |

Just to offer a hear, hear to the Projo’s editorial on education in RI: These proposed reforms are all excellent ideas. He also announced that he, House Speaker William Murphy, Senate President Joseph Montalbano, and representatives of labor, business, local government and other interests will work together to formulate what he called “Rhode Island’s 21st…

Marriage and Cynical Ballot Initiatives

By Justin Katz | February 9, 2007 |

There’s something disconcerting about the cynical use of the democratic process to make political statements, rather than advance a sincerely supported cause: An initiative filed by proponents of same-sex marriage would require heterosexual couples to have kids within three years or else have their marriage annulled. Initiative 957 was filed by the Washington Defense of…

The Unspoken Definition of Civil Unions

By Justin Katz | February 8, 2007 |

As a general rule, I think it best that legislators resist penning bills if they find themselves writing around the thing or quality that motivated them to put pen to statehouse stationary in the first place. Consider the proposed legislation (PDF) to which Marc linked earlier. It defines “marriage” as “the legally recognized union of…

The Continuing Saga of the People Who Are Driving Our State into a Ditch Believing That They Are the Ones to Solve Additional Problems

By Justin Katz | February 8, 2007 |

Here’s another one: “The Rhode Island High School Dropout Prevention Act of 2007” (2007 – H5351) makes it the responsibility of the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary education to work in collaboration with local school districts and the Department of Higher Education to implement strategies to lower the state’s dropout rate. “Rhode Island…

Full-Day Kindergarten Comes at a Price

By Justin Katz | February 7, 2007 |

While announcing legislation that would “require all public schools systems in the state to provide full-time kindergarten programs,” Sen. Christopher B. Maselli of Johnston offers this bit of manipulative rhetoric: “It’s incredible how quickly we, as a state, can commit to spend money on new motor vehicle offices and prisons, but we argue about the…

I Laughed When My Mother Warned Me About DWC in NJ

By Justin Katz | February 6, 2007 |

By DWC, I mean “driving while conversing.” In New Jersey, you see, talking on a non-hands-free cell phone while driving an automobile is a ticketable offense. Apparently, South Kingstown Senator V. Susan Sosnowski thinks that’s a swell idea: Citing the many dangers associated with talking on a cell phone while driving, Senator V. Susan Sosnowski…

Progress Despite Uniformity?

By Justin Katz | February 6, 2007 |

Credit (applause, even) where it’s due: Bills will be introduced in the Rhode Island Senate and House of Representatives that would prohibit the employment or harboring of illegal aliens in Rhode Island. To be introduced in the House by Rep. Peter G. Palumbo (D-Dist. 16, Cranston) and in the Senate by Sen. Christopher B. Maselli…