Justin Katz

Time to Hunker Down for a Perennial Winter

By Justin Katz | November 8, 2006 |

How oppressive it will be depends on whether the Senate falls, as well. Regardless, and speaking with some restraint, the next two years (at least) promise to be difficult and perhaps dangerous. Who can doubt, for instance, that the regime in Iran and terrorists across the globe feel as if they, themselves, have won a…

Just a Thought

By Justin Katz | November 7, 2006 |

If Fogarty were to win, it might be time to reassess the wisdom of remaining in this state, because it would signal either: that Rhode Islanders have a sort of civic death wish (even if of the passive flavor characterized by ignorance and apathy), or that the state is so hopelessly corrupt that the democratic…

Keep Chafee… Out of the Senate

By Justin Katz | November 6, 2006 |

That is the slogan that will determine my vote tomorrow. Under the present circumstances, there could be no worse outcome than to reinforce Republicans’ belief that we must keep them in power regardless of their beliefs and behavior. Frankly, I disagree with Orson Scott Card. “A chance” that Republicans will get the War on Terror…

Avoiding the Hypocrisy of Chastity

By Justin Katz | November 5, 2006 |

One is justifiably reluctant to declare Michael Novak flat wrong on matters of religion and culture, but I’m compelled to do just that in response to his writing: Being a liberal means having a right to do anything that you want sexually anywhere, anytime, and with anybody. Thus, there is no way for liberals to…

As if the Wrath of God Were a Real Phenomenon

By Justin Katz | November 5, 2006 |

It’s always an edifying experience when I remember to check in with Paul Cella: Now, it may be that some did predict divine vengeance [after the ostensible omission of God from the Constitution]. But divine vengeance, as it happens, is in fact a calamity somewhat mysterious in nature. I think even if I were a…

Voting for Delusion

By Justin Katz | November 5, 2006 |

I was so perplexed by Froma Harrop’s column about the Democrat Party’s 50-State Strategy that I thought for a moment that I’d missed something that would be, politically, on the order of magnitude of the Earth’s poles moving to the equator: Imagine Democrats in Washington who don’t all sound like Henry Waxman, Charlie Rangel or…

Fixing the Problem Where It Begins: The Root Cause of Our Difficulties in Iraq

By Justin Katz | November 5, 2006 |

Cliff May offers a bit of clear analysis of evidence in Iraq: I also would argue that the evidence does not suggest that most Iraqis prefer not to be free, that most would rather not choose their leaders, that a majority enjoys a good suicide bombing every day or two. The evidence suggests that a…

Anchor Rising in Glossy Print

By Justin Katz | November 2, 2006 |

Anchor Rising is featured in a report by Ellen Liberman in the latest edition of Rhode Island Monthly (which hasn’t yet updated its Web site to reflect the new issue): Diogenes of Sinope was one of the original Cynics, ancient Greek philosophers who shunned the status quo. Most famously, Diogenes wandered the birthplace of democracy,…

Arguing Against a Casino in a Soundbyte Culture

By Justin Katz | October 30, 2006 | Comments Off on Arguing Against a Casino in a Soundbyte Culture

Ah, well. I understand the choices that are unavoidably part of crafting a short news segment, but I can’t say I’m thrilled with the soundbyte that BSR88.1 reporter Chris Gang chose from my 20 minute conversation with him for his piece on the casino question on Off the Beat. The argument I tried to present…

… and on BSR 88.1FM on Monday Night

By Justin Katz | October 29, 2006 |

I’ll be part of a segment about the casino issue on the Brown Student Radio show Off the Beat, which airs tomorrow night at (I believe) 7:30 p.m. Those in the Providence area can tune in to 88.1 FM, but anybody the world ’round can listen to the live stream on bsrlive.com.