Justin Katz
This tweet reminds us, incidentally, that it makes a difference where inflation enters the economy, particularly in whom it benefits: If inflation results from an increase in the monetary supply, there’s more money floating around for the same goods and services, and the benefit tilts from the top down (starting with investor types), and effect is…
Rhode Island’s governor and Democrat legislators are willing to trample the rights and bodies of children in order to protect medical butchers from facing consequences for their actions.
I’ve been mystified by young(er) adults’ absolute panic about “climate change” in the face of actual experience and the extended timelines of real problems, if they were real. Then I recently watched The Day After Tomorrow for the first time, and I wondered how huge an impact that movie (and the myriad lesser copies that have…
I appreciate Ken Block’s intellect and civic engagement, but his political commentary leaves much to be desired. Consider this, from the end of a long recent tweet: I cannot imagine either of these candidates effectively dealing with a crisis, commanding the situation room, keeping the complexities of a crisis fully in their heads, ready to…
Because progressives have driven conversations about taxes for much of the last century, our thinking is all askew. Characteristic of their approach is to focus on who is giving and receiving the money. This isn’t surprising, because like Karl Marx in their personal life, they’re obsessed with other people giving them money, but it generates the…
Maybe some Millennials are too young to remember, but the ability of government school students to wear whatever t-shirts they wanted was once a major theme in the mainstream media. These days, we’re learning that it’s highly dependent on the message of the shirt: In 2023, the seventh grader at John T. Nichols Middle School…
John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss the perilous position of the country and state.
Jordan Peterson has this right, but the darkness of the fact needs to be emphasized: We’ve been seeing teens charged with felonies for riding over these sections of road disrespectfully, even as Hamas supporters get away with defacing statues. It’s obvious we’re being demanded to treat these symbols with reverence, as if they’re the state religion,…
I’ve been pondering Joe Biden’s stated belief that Americans have no standing to complain about illegal immigrants’ raping American women because we rape our own brothers and sisters in the home. It’s tempting to hope he’s just a rambling old man who can no longer construct coherent thoughts (whatever that might mean for the fact…
What a silly cartoon this is: If the position for which they’re selecting involves climbing, then this exam is dead on. Ignoring context and purpose for the sake of identity-group parity is a DEI sleight of hand.