Monique Chartier

Jim Baron: “Let’s Put These Bills Out of Their Misery”

By Monique Chartier | May 18, 2008 |

PREAMBLE ADDENDUM Ahem. It is with considerable embarrassment that I note that Andrew did a far more timely post on Jim Baron’s column. My lame excuse for this duplicative post is … that I wanted to give Jim extra exposure. Yeah, that’s the ticket … In his column “Politics As Usual” of a couple of…

What Does Amnesty for Undocumented Farm Workers Have to Do with the Funding of our Action in Iraq?

By Monique Chartier | May 18, 2008 |

Add Senator Larry Craig to Donald’s list of Republicans who have gotten off track, in this case, by participating in the attempt to pass amnesty piecemeal. The Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday added to an Iraq spending bill a controversial provision to help pave the way for undocumented agriculture workers to win legal status, a…

Newsflash: Human Heaviosity & Inertia Contribute to Global Warming

By Monique Chartier | May 17, 2008 |

So say two unknown medical types in the Lancet magazine. By way of reference, this is the same magazine which published the discredited claim of 600,000 civilian deaths in Iraq – a number which proved to be four times too high. The Lancet requires a subscription or registration or something (sorry, no patience for a…

Gio Cicione: “This is your moment that the citizens take back the state from the special interests”

By Monique Chartier | May 15, 2008 |

From today’s Valley Breeze. It is said that every man and every woman – somewhere over the course of their life – must have their moment. It is a moment of recognition that something larger than the day to day details of our own family life is beckoning and we must answer to it. I…

Where Are The Appraisals?

By Monique Chartier | May 14, 2008 |

The appraisals which justified and, therefore, facilitated the purchase of wet, polluted, unusable land from former Mayor William Macera (D-Johnston) and his family by the RIRRC, aka the Central Landfill, for many times its actual value. Mike Stanton reported in Sunday’s Providence Journal: Resource Recovery paid $163,000 an acre for the property, the current audit…

Non-Public Employees in New York’s Public Pension System

By Monique Chartier | May 11, 2008 |

From an interesting blog called Pension Risk Matters: Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is investigating “alleged abuses of the state pension fund” at school district, town and village levels. External contractors may be costing Empire State taxpayers a bundle in the form of “undeserved” retirement benefits. (See “Cuomo expanding pension probe,” April 14, 2008.) The TimesUnion…

Obama Believes in Recycling

By Monique Chartier | May 11, 2008 |

… old political scandals. Senator Barack Obama said today that a scandal from Senator John McCain’s past – the Keating Five – was just as relevant to the presidential campaign as questions about who Mr. Obama has associated with over the years. In a news conference here, Mr. Obama was asked whether his campaign intended…

The Color of Irony Is Crimson

By Monique Chartier | May 10, 2008 |

In a leave-no-stone-unturned search for more revenue, the Massachusetts legislature has ordered a study of the implementation of a 2.5% “annual assessment” on college and university endowments which exceed $1 billion. Nine Massachusetts institutions of higher learning would be affected by what would be a first of its kind assessment. Glenn Beck points out the…

The Ultimate Act of Nepotism and Cronyism

By Monique Chartier | May 9, 2008 |

The United Nations was forced to temporarily suspend aid shipments to Myanmar because the ruling junta confiscated the intial materiel sent, saying that it preferred to distribute aid “with its own resources“. In order, presumably, to control exactly who receives the badly needed food and supplies. Because of unprecedented and unconscionable foot-dragging by Myanmar’s government,…

Excuses Over the Border For Raising Taxes

By Monique Chartier | May 8, 2008 |

For almost thirty years, lucky Massachusetts has had Proposition Two and a Half. But it can be overridden by voters on the local level. On Sunday, Boston Herald columnist Howie Carr highlighted some justifications offered to elicit “yes” votes in advance of Brookline’s override ballot two days ago. A snooty editorial writer for a local…