Monique Chartier
Michelle Malkin’s opening paragraph about Congressman Wu’s announcement yesterday made posting her column irresistible. Wu-hoo! Welcome to another freaky ethics fiasco brought to you by the D.C. den of dysfunctional Democrats. This one comes clothed in a Tigger costume, wrapped in blinders and bathed in the fetid Beltway odor of eau de Pass le Buck.…
The following e-mail was sent out recently, presumably to all members of the NEARI. Background: South Kingstown’s teacher contract expires at the end of August. Daniel Kinder, referenced in the e-mail, is the attorney advising the South Kingstown School Committee. Here is what the School Committee said recently about negotiations between the town and the…
… for an act of pure evil. A gunman who opened fire on an island teeming with young people kept shooting for 90 minutes before surrendering to a SWAT team, police said Saturday. … At least 85 people were killed on the island … Andresen, the acting police chief, said the suspect was talking to…
Andrew pointed out yesterday that Speaker Fox is leaning against taking up binding arbitration in the special legislative session this fall. That would be a good thing because, last week, a Fitch rating emphasized the need for the focus to be on pension reform. RATING RATIONALE: –[West Warwick] has managed its operating expenses and achieved…
Looks like the Warwick Beacon has been doing some digging at City Hall. More than 40 percent of retired Warwick firefighters and 20 percent of retired police are on disability pensions. The pensions are tax-free and also ensure that their children and spouse are entitled to free tuition at state colleges. There has never been…
Why stay in college? Why go to night school? Talking Heads, “Life During Wartime” Late this afternoon, the ProJo’s Kathy Gregg broke the latest development in the matter of the Senate Majority Leader’s degree-less Special Assistant. Stephen Iannazzi, the $88,112-a-year aide to Senate Majority Leader Dominick Ruggerio who became a focus of public ire over…
White House Budget Director Jacob Lew appeared on CNN’s State of the Union with Candy Crowley. Kudos to Real Clear Politics for picking up on this part of the interview and transcribing it. Note that the White House no longer contends that there wouldn’t be enough money to issue these checks in the event of…
Business Insider compiles the latest national list of dubious distinction to contain Rhode Island – in not one but two spots. This is especially not good when the list is only fourteen finalists long. Public employee costs account for a large share of municipal budget woes. While worker compensation accounts for just 30% of state…
This staggering item stands out from Mark Steyn’s (characteristically excellent) column of today. When the 44th president took office, he made a decision that it was time for the already unsustainable levels of government spending finally to break the bounds of reality and frolic and gambol in the magical fairy kingdom of Spendaholica: This year,…
Last week, President Obama held (I’m appalled to type the phrase) a Twitter Town Hall. Below is a sampling of the questions posed to the President by Iowahawk. (Regrettably, the President offered answers to none of them.) Would you get tougher with Iran if you knew they were working with Scott Walker? If we reneg…