Monique Chartier
Strap in; it’s a roller coaster ride. High gasoline and oil prices are bad. Obama, speaking at a San Francisco event for donors, called rising gasoline prices an economic drain on drivers and said curbing oil reliance is a “national security imperative.” High gasoline and oil prices (if they are gradual) are good. I think…
Obviously it will be, if the goal really is for Pennsylvania’s children to participate in “good citizenship, free expression, fairness and thoughtful deliberation” and not that they are blatantly being used as pawns on an egregious scale to advance a selfish agenda. On Tuesday, across the state of Pennsylvania, unions and other Left-wing organizations will…
Further to Marc’s post about Rhode Island’s junior senator going around baselessly alarming seniors, in the other Congressional chamber, Rhode Island’s First District congressman was almost exultant last week about Paul Ryan’s proposals to modify Social Security and Medicare. “It’s interesting,” Cicilline said Tuesday during a half-hour interview with in his Pawtucket district office.…
As you know, it has come to light that the salary of the Special Assistant to Senate Majority Leader Dominick Ruggerio, Stephen Iannazzi, is $88,000+ a year (presumably not including health care, pension, vacation time, sick days, personal days, May Day, etc). This is a respectable level of remuneration for a position which apparently does…
The following press release materialized in my in-box this afternoon. With regard to the location – Fort Collins, CO – note that Colorado is the state to which the former Mayor of Cranston Steve Laffey and his family have relocated. “Fixing America” The Movie Fort Collins, CO – April 26, 2011 Stephen P. Laffey and…
For 20+ years, especially on the right, Dave Talan has been a bit of a celebrity in Rhode Island politics. I first encountered him in 2000 as a volunteer for the McCain campaign. One of our tasks was to collect signatures to get him on the Republican primary ballot. Dave did not support McCain (if…
First of all, kudos to Terry Gorman of RIILE for obtaining the information contained in this post under Rhode Island’s Access to Public Records law (“RI Gen Law 38-2-1 et seq” for other curious folks). When someone goes to the State of Rhode Island and applies for social services, one of the first pieces of…
The Pawtucket Times’ Jim Baron reports. Gov. Lincoln Chafee’s plan to radically overhaul the state’s sales tax structure is effectively dead. After more than six hours of nearly unanimous testimony denouncing Chafee’s proposal to lower the state sales tax from 7 to 6 percent and broaden it to a vast array of goods and services…
In response to the protest rally held by the business community yesterday at the State House, the governor asked for proof that his proposed massive broadening of the sales tax will damage Rhode Island businesses. Rhode Island currently has the fifth highest state and local tax burden. It also has one of the worst business…
The Providence Business News broke this a little earlier. Groundbreaking for a $15 million to $18 million addition at Taco Inc., originally scheduled for the end of April, has been delayed while company officials assess the impact of proposed state tax changes on the manufacturing business. According to Kyle Adamonis, senior vice president of human…