Monique Chartier
Al Gore has let the cat out of the bag. On Wednesday, addressing a green energy business conference in Greece (undoubtedly, a non-greenhouse gas emitting tall ship carried the advocate of AGW there from the US), the former VP admitted that the net energy produced from corn grown for ethanol is at best very small…
We learn of the budget summit – neither date nor location firm at this point – from Ted Nesi over at WPRI 12. Gov.-elect Lincoln Chafee will hold a daylong budget summit next month to kick-start discussions of how to close Rhode Island’s $300 million projected deficit for the fiscal year that starts July 1,…
Gov Jindal of Louisiana puts forth this excellent proposal in an interview with former Rhode Islander and current Human Events editor Jason Mattera. Amazingly, it doesn’t even appear to be unconstitutional as the Constitution does not specify the duration of a Congressional session. A determination of what comprises “part time” would have to be made.…
Received via e-mail this morning. Inspirational even to this heathen. “Grace is everywhere.” These were the final words of the curé in Bernanos’ famous novel, “Diary of a Country Priest.” One does not have to be religious to be aware of how much has been given to us and how this knowledge moves us to…
Further to Marc’s post, on the one hand, the TSA has yet to explain the logic of scanning or patting down, in search of weapons and other deadly contraband, airline pilots minutes before they enter the cockpit and come into possession of the ultimate ability to terrorize a commercial flight. On the other, in an…
… a one year waiver but how easy will it be to simply grant an extension after the first year … and after the second … and so on? (Kind of like Gina Raimondo and the one year moratorium she issued on her tax returns.) These waivers [H/T Fred Thompson Show] raise, first of all,…
General Treasurer candidate Gina Raimondo had refused to release her tax returns during the campaign but indicated that she would do so if elected. And she reaffirmed to a ProJo reporter just last week that she would do so. Oops. State Treasurer-elect Gina M. Raimondo on Thursday refused to release her income-tax returns after promising…
… twelve days ago in Slate. Keep in mind that this dissection is carried out by a supporter of President Barack Obama. Christopher Hitchens voted for the president and, elsewhere in this article, states his readiness to defend the president and his policies during the campaign. (Hitchens points out that he was pre-empted from doing…
On the WPRO Matt Allen (scowling person at top of page) Show tonight, Republican House Rep Joe Trillo revealed that he had tried to persuade Moderate gubernatorial candidate Ken Block to convert to Republicanism, going so far as to offer Block a leadership role in the RIGOP. Mr. Block declined and went on to garner…
… minus the horses, of course, because, after all, bringing a horse to school is as dangerous as bringing a loaded firearm. Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School senior Dan Depaolis, 17, was suspended for two days after he rode a horse into the school’s parking lot while wearing medieval garb as part of a spirit week…