Brave New World

A Matter of Competing Values

By Justin Katz | May 26, 2005 |

Part of what makes a danger of modern approaches to addressing public policies that bear on “progress” is that we tend to view them on an individual basis, and when we do realize that they are tangential to each other, we hesitate to follow the implications but so deeply. (Sometimes the hesitance results from the…

Where Humanitarianism Meets Nihilism

By Justin Katz | December 30, 2004 |

Cynthia Weisboro, a member of the South Kingstown Library Board of Trustees, doesn’t apparently believe that self government extends to determination of the principles by which we ought to govern ourselves: [David] O’Connell bases his opposition to such research on the very questionable theological concept of the “soul,” a concept unproven and unprovable. Speculation on…