
At CPAC, Focus Shifts to Congress

By Marc Comtois | March 2, 2007 |

This week is the annual meeting of the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) in Washington, D.C. (Andrew went last year). It appears that these active conservatives, disgruntled with the current crop of Presidential candidates, are turning their eyes towards Congress: Conservative leaders, who are gathering in Washington today for the first Conservative Political Action Conference…

The Morality of Capitalism

By Marc Comtois | February 17, 2007 |

Well, sometimes the self-generated posting just doesn’t come easily, which describes my state over the last few days. So, that’s when we bloggers revert to the excerpt-other-people’s-writing-and-compile-and-synthesize tactic. (Well, it’s better than nothing). I recently read this piece from Richard Karlgaard on Forbe’s web site in which he wrote: Money (profit) is a tool. It…

Panic on the Right?

By Carroll Andrew Morse | February 2, 2007 |

Here’s Republican pollster Frank Luntz, as quoted by syndicated columnist Robert Novak (via Townhall, h/t Instapundit)…“The Republican message machine is a skeleton of its former self,” Luntz told me. “These people have no idea how the American people react to them.” Luntz sees a disconnect between Republicans and voters that projects a grim future for…

Of Patriots, Pole Stars and Polemics

By Marc Comtois | February 1, 2007 |

It was clear to me that in his piece on “Civic Conservatism” that Fonte was emphasizing civic conservatism (or American Patriotism or American Nationalism) as a “glue” that both holds the various types of conservatism together and can serve as an appealing ideological template with which to sway many independent or (ironically) non-ideological voters. As…

My Apparent Problem with the Pole Stars of American History

By Justin Katz | February 1, 2007 |

Somewhere in the hazy period Tuesday between leaving work early at lunch time and leaving Hasbro Children’s Hospital around 8:00 p.m., I read John Fonte’s emailed response to Anchor Rising’s commentary on his recent piece about “civic conservatism.” For most of the remainder of that day, the part of my brain not preoccupied with other…

Newt Gingrich on Conservatism and on Iraq

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 30, 2007 |

The first speaker at the NRI Conservative Summit this past weekend was former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. The former Speaker offered a challenging take on the state of conservatism… Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich: Always talk personally first, historically second, and politically last. This is the number one problem with the…

Re: Another Brand is Proposed

By Justin Katz | January 29, 2007 |

Marc notes the latest in modified conservatism, put forward by the Hudson Institute’s John Fonte (director of the institute’s Center for American Common Culture). The piece strikes me — to be honest — as the latest parry in the somewhat ridiculous battle over conservatism that the Republicans’ ineptitude has ussured in — the latest attempt…

The Dim Future for the Term Compassionate Conservatism Shouldn’t Doom its Underlying Idea

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 29, 2007 |

Marc’s previous post on “civic conservatism” prompts me to give my report on the national-state of another conservative brand, “compassionate conservatism”. It’s finished as a political label, but it’s rooted in better ideas than you might think. At the NRI Conservative Summit, Professor Marvin Olasky, the individual probably most responsible for bringing the term “compassionate…

Another Brand is Proposed: Civic Conservatives

By Marc Comtois | January 29, 2007 |

John Fonte at NRO: I am a civic conservative, a “civ-con.” At the level of highest principle civic conservatism emphasizes the Unum in E Pluribus Unum and puts American national cohesion over any group interest. The intellectual origins of civic conservatism can be traced to George Washington’s Farewell Address. Citizens by birth or choice, of…

Mitt Romney on Social Issues

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 29, 2007 |

I know. I’m not supposed to be posting anything on the 2008 Presidential campaign before June. However, I’m adding a codicil to my New Year’s resolution: I can make an exception when able to present primary-source material about a Presidential candidate (or someone with a Presidential exploratory committee) that adds to a discussion area already…